Patrick, I sacrificed personal happiness for all the wrong reasons. I hope you don't do the same.


[to Emily] You can't give him the one thing that he needs. You. The real you. All people want is for their partners to be honest with them and they catch on pretty damn quick when you're not.


Nolan: The more things you try to control, the more chance for error.
Emily: I didn't come here for platitudes.

[to Emily] Lately I've been feeling like I'm just playing a role in a story you're writing.


[to Emily] I've been busting my ass trying to make this magazine into something for our future because I knew this time around the only way we were going to make it is if I stood on my own. But tonight, when you didn't show up, I realized I'm the only one fighting for us.


[to Margaux] You can spend your life being controlled by powerful men, or you can learn how to control them.


Patrick: Look, Nolan, you're freaking me out. Things are complicated enough between us thanks to the two women in our lives.
Nolan: Believe me, I know. But if you want to give me another chance, come find me.

Nolan: It's a defense. People have been...mean, dishonest, making it hard for me to trust them.
Patrick: So, what, you thought you'd stay ahead of the curve?
Nolan: No, I screwed up. With you. I'm sorry.

Patrick, I've always been wired a little differently. Which is great when it comes to inventing gadgets and not so great when it comes to dealing with people.


Aiden: Do you love him?
Emily: Are you serious?
Aiden: I need to know, Emily, because I didn't just come here to take down the Graysons. I came because of you, and I will not be made a fool of.

Charlotte: Don't do this on his big night.
Victoria: I simply want him to understand that the people who support him are right here.
Charlotte: Nothing's ever simple with you.

Emily: I'll handle this.
Jack: And how are you going to do that, Emily? You can't even trust the people you have on your side.

Revenge Season 3 Quotes

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.


[to Emily] But you're not God either. I urge you to let go of whatever grudge you may have and move on.
