Mara: So you're on board with this?
Paul: Not really. I think it's an invasion of privacy and a terrible precedent. But if you're going to go in, I want to make sure you're safe.

Mara: So I'm the sneaky neighbor stealing the cable.
Paul: That's one way to look at it.

Paul: This is different. This is risky. I don't even know if we can do it.
Alexis: Oh, we can do it.
Paul: The question is should we?
Alexis: Why not? It's a great technical challenge and a perfect test case for Reverie's expansion.

Ashley: I'm just a monster.
Mara: No, you're not. You've just been lost.

The rain of fire begins today. It's going to burn you out.


Dylan: That's all the information I'm authorized to disclose.
Mara: Well, that's not at all suspicious, thanks.

Mara: We make it as easy as possible to get a BCI, right?
Charlie: Build the market. That's our mantra.
Mara: OK. If it's so easy to get, why would somebody steal one?

Oliver: DId she tell you the BCI was her idea?
Mara: She didn't say it wasn't.
Oliver: That's a brain-computer interface. That's two things, right? Alexis was the computer.
Mara: And you were the brain?
Oliver. I flatter myself.

Oliver: That's why I know you're in danger?
Mara: What kind of danger?
Oliver: The kind you're most afraid of -- losing your mind.

Mara: How are you?
Glenn: Scared. Sick.
Mara: That's OK. Even hardened criminals get scared before a job.
Glenn: You're lying, but thank you so much.

Oliver's wrong. He hasn't spent more time in the program than anyone else. Since he left, Alexis and I have spent much more time in there, and we're not insane. Are we?

Paul [to Mara]

Glenn: You think I'm a freak?
Mara: No. I think you have a system, to keep things in order.

Reverie Season 1 Quotes

These are skills you can use on a job interview, on a date, in bed. It's a whole new way of seeing the world. But you have to look up [pulls a student's gaze away from her phone].

Mara [to her students]

This is a radical problem. Perhaps it requires a radical solution.

Alexis [to Charlie]