You have to go away. You have to take your horrible talking, talking mouth away from me.


Oliver: Does this house look weird to you?
Gail: We're in suburbia. Every house looks weird to me.

Nick: Lots of people in this division hang out.
Andy: Yeah, naked? Lots of people in this division hang out naked?

I haven't heard back for you. I was starting to worry you got run over by a bus or something.


Oliver: Did you ever read Into the Wild?
Sam: No but I saw the movie and I'm pretty sure the guy starved to death.

Chris: Top or bottom?
Dov: Don't ever ask me that again.

So you and the witch went to buy magic crystals and bought a house made of twigs instead.


Chris: So I should be selfish like you.
Dov: Not selfish just not spineless. It's OK to do things that make you happy.

Sam: I see you two together and I know that she's right for you.
Oliver: Like you and McNally?
Sam: Exactly.

You are the bad guy. You, Ms Perfect never hurt a fly McNally are the bad guy. And look at it, it's just killing you.


Opportunity knocked and then punched me in the face.


Let me just be clear here. This date's not going very well for you but I'm going to stay and enjoy this festive latte and then I'm going to go home. Alone. Because there's not enough alcohol in the world to get me in bed with you.
