[to Cyrus] I've killed kings, Chief. Consider it done.


[to Olivia] This past year, I have learned only one thing. That I cannot exist without you. That I cannot breathe without you. That the man I am without you is--I'm nothing. I'm nothing. And you are everything. And I need you to give me another chance. I demand another chance. We're worth another chance.


Fitz: Do you still love me?
Olivia: Does it matter?
Fitz: It matters. Do you still love me? It's a yes or no question. Olivia?
Olivia: I do. But I can't do this anymore.

[to Olivia] I am angry that you fixed the election, I'm even angrier that you thought you were fixing me.


Fitz: I love you.
Olivia: Stop saying that. You are having me watched. Followed. There are cameras in my apartment. That's not love.

Olivia: You can go.
Fitz: You don't dismiss me.
Olivia: I don't want to talk to you. I am never going to be ready to talk to you.

[to Huck] I don't know what to say. I don't know how to get through to you. Me, the man who talks. Some of that's on you for always being so closed up but way more it's on me. Because all my talk and all that game, seems like kid stuff compared to who you are, what you've been. Like I've spent my life trying to get out of homework while you've lived the life of a warrior. Of a man. A real-deal gladiator. So I have no idea what to say here because you make me realize pretty much every day and especially right now that all I've ever been, all I am, all I've ever been, was talk. So I'll just sit here and I won't run my mouth with a lot of noise that's not worthy. So you be as full-on crazy as you want for as long as you need and I'm gonna be here. Right here with you.


Cyrus: You know what happens if a bored nurse or arrogant doctor tweets that the President, same one who was shot in the head 10 months ago, is in the hospital in the middle of the night? Markets panic. Reporters swarm. Defcon levels change.
Fitz: Cats and dogs will finally get along?

Pain is the only human process that is completely defined by the person experiencing it. Now the more I do this the more I learn that people are very different in how they respond to the pain I put them through. You say 'potato' I say 'buh buh,' that type of deal. Now I would say that the majority, maybe 90% of my projects, scream out right away. But then some of them surprise me. They grit their teeth for as long as they can until they pass out and they never make any sound at all. Now they're not any braver than anyone else, they're just different. Which is what makes this job so interesting. You really get to see what people are made of. Literally.


Olivia: I hate you.
Fitz: I know.

[to Olivia] Hi.

  • Permalink: Hi.
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Fitz: Would she forgive me if she knew?
Cyrus: There are things we don't tell them. Things we bury. Things we hide. That's the job. You did something, sir. It doesn't mean you don't deserve to be happy.

Scandal Season 2 Quotes

Abby: It makes no sense. Do you buy it?
Harrison: I question she's lying about her alibi, but I have a hard time buying her as some Unabomber freak who could mix Clorox and toothpaste and blow up half an office park. No offense, Huck.
Huck: None taken.

Quinn: I went home and my apartment was surrounded, cops and FBI agents taking out all my stuff. A woman standing outside told me that a girl who lived there blew up a building and killed seven people.
Harrison: If you were innocent, you could've just called a lawyer.
Abby: You did work with a bunch of them. Also, I hear they're in the phone book.