For the first time you are the one unsure about what road to take, but I've never been more certain about anything in my life. So give integration your best shot, make it work, give us freedom, because if you don't? I won't just join the war, I'll lead the charge.

Drake [to Roman]

Roman: It's nice to see you outside of school. I mean, in your town.
Emery: It's your town too.

I guess freedom's not all it cracked up to be.


Everything you've been fighting for your entire life, your freedom, your future, your mother, it won't come free. The Trags are willing to pay the price, the question is, are you?

Zoe [to Drake]

Teri: Why am I letting some guy make me doubt myself?
Taylor: I don't know.
Teri: Yes he's a warrior but I'm strong, I have skills, I could tear his throat out.

Grayson: Why are you doing this?
Emery: If you see something good in Eric, I'm willing to trust you.

I don't need to be protected all the time. That's not the relationship I want.


What you're saying makes me feel unwelcome and filled with rage. There, I used my words.


Roman: You're making yourself a target for the Red Hawks. Or any nutjob with a gun.
Sophia: We're already targets.

So does that mean an Atrian and a human could get their intergalactic freak on?


It's nice to see Roman isn't freezing all humans out.

Emery [to Julia]

Right now we're the Trags' best link to the outside world so fall in line. You remember what happens to Trags who disappoint my mother.

Teri [to Drake]

Star-Crossed Season 1 Quotes

Your generation can bridge the gap.


Cheer up. You get to keep liberty and justice all to yourselves.
