So what, I gotta be the one to vote against doing the crazy maneuver? Does that sound like me?


You refer to my human side as a handicap. Yet my mother is the most resilient, compassionate, tolerant person I have known. One who has been judged by Vulcans her entire life. And yet she stands by, for love, for family. For me. That is no handicap. That is true strength. [To Amanda] And I am sorry that it has taken until now for me to speak these words to you.


It is not easy being a human that loves a Vulcan.


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

La’an: Adolescence is a delightful cocktail of anger, fear, sexual attraction, and… hunger. You’re constantly snacking, like so many snacks.
Spock: I am hungry. But I’m also sad and frustrated.

Pike: How do you … feel, Mr. Spock?
Spock: I feel… angry. And powerless. And annoyed. And… weirdly hungry? Is this a normal human feeling?
M’Benga: Hunger can affect your mood.