Chapel: Where is the real Dr. Aspen now?
Angel: Probably still wandering around the uninhabited planet I dumped them on. What? It’s not like I killed them.
Chapel: Where are the colonists?
Angel: Oh, them? Imaginary. I made them up. I told a nice little story that I knew would bring you out here and you believed me. Frankly, that’s on you.

Aspen: Aren’t you half Human?
Spock: That is merely genetics. I was raised on Vulcan.
Aspen: And that’s geography.

My friend, let me tell you something that from those rock-hard eyes of yours I think you know. Love is the only thing that makes the cold and loneliness of space bearable.


Pike: Steering without mapping, I realize is no easy task. Ensign Chu can relieve you if you need a minute.
Ortegas: Actually, I enjoy flying manually. Feels like the ship and I are in a deep conversation. Y’know. Like a third date.

Dr. Aspen: I see why Starfleet calls you their boy scout.
Pike: They do not call me that.
Una: Chris, it’s actually in your file.

Dr. Aspen: I never got kolinahr. You naturally have emotions, so why erase them?
Spock: Kolinahr offers clarity, an ability to see oneself without bias. I very much look forward to mine.

Pike: Yellow alert. Erica, take us closer please.
Ortegas: How close do you want to get? First date or third date?
Pike: Blind date.
Ortegas: Copy. Proceeding with caution, sir.

Spock, do you know why it’s fun to be friends with Vulcans? Because Vulcans are honest. Don’t try to be smarter than the truth. That’s what got you in trouble last time.


I’m only going to tell you this once. Get the hell out of my chair.


Spock: Captain Pike is comfortable operating off of hunches. I found the experience to be disturbingly similar to guessing.
Aspen: What’s wrong with guessing?
Spock: They are derived from incomplete premises. It is illogical.
Aspen: Says you.
Spock: Says all Vulcans.

Chapel: Earth to Spock!
Spock: I am sorry. I am distracted.
Chapel: Also, a master of understatement.

Reconciling my divergent cultures of origin is complex. The journey is challenging.


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 Quotes

Pike: Send someone else. You don't want me in command of that ship.
April: You're getting us confused. You don't want you in command.

No matter how many stars there are in the sky. No matter how many galaxies swirl beyond our own. No matter the mathematical probabilities or the number of times we say, 'We are not alone in the universe,' our first visit from the stars is always the province of children's stories and science fiction. First contact with aliens always lives squarely in the impossible. First contact is just a dream until one day, it isn't.
