Camille: Okay, so just to be clear. You want me to go behind the back of, and flip a hardy bird to, my employer the National Security Agency?
Kirsten: Absolutely.
Camille: It's about damn time.

Linus: Can we talk about your yips for a moment?
Cameron: No.
Linus: I get it! You're freaked out about Kirsten.
Cameron: Not talking about it.
Linus: And you're afraid of her getting hurt and that fear has manifested itself into yips.
Cameron: Still not talking about it.
Linus: I'm just saying I agree with you. You should let Camille pilot the stitches for a while.

A plastic surgery place in Beverly Hills without patients is like Arkham without inmates.


Two real women wanted him dead, but the fake one is the one that killed him? You really can't make this stuff up.


Kirsten: Is it too soon? Us doing the whole sister routine?
Ivy: Maybe. But I like it.
Kirsten: So do I.

On a very special episode of the stitch lab gone wild.


Fisher: Is she dead?
Camille: I'm not sure how to answer that.

I could use some support now, okay? Not attitude.


Cameron: There you are.
Kirsten: Miss me?
Cameron: I missed running tests on you.
Kirsten: Best boyfriend ever.

Linus: What do you have to lose?
Camille: I don't know. It takes me a moment to trust people.
Linus: Everyone deserves to be trusted until proven otherwise.
Camille: That sounds like a horrible policy.
Linus: It is. Unless it isn't.

Thank God you're here. What did you bring me for breakfast?


Kirsten: Good scientist or worried boyfriend?
Cameron: Why can't I be both?

Stitchers Season 3 Quotes

[Fisher is brought in handcuffed with a bloody lip]
Camille: Oh my God, Fisher!
Maggie: Quincy, what happened?
Fisher: I wasn't being cooperative [smiles].
Cameron: Are you all right?
Fisher: You should see the other guy.
Cameron: I'm serious. Are you all right?
Fisher: I'm serious. You should see the other guy [winks]
[Cameron turns and sees other guy being brought out on a stretcher]

Camille: Are you ready?
Cameron: Does it matter?
Camille: Cameron, when this is over, win or lose, they're going to disappear us. You know that, right?
Cameron: When this is over, if Kirsten's dead, I won't care.