Charlie: She doesn't know about this side of me, Pop.
Leo: What side of you? You are a stand-up guy. And stand-up guys take care of their families.They do what needs to be done.

Emma: Are you okay? I know this week was a lot, but I think this is worth it.
Charlie: I think so, too.

Connor: Does your mouth ever stop moving, son?
Charlie: Let me ask you, Connor. You know that saying, 'every king has an heir and a spare.' Which one am I looking at?

Joe: You're good at that, aren't you? Always knowing just what to say.
Charlie: Part of the job. You know, just, holding conversations.
Joe: Right. As a bartender.

If you're lucky enough to find someone in your life that makes you feel the way she does, you do not let them go. You go all in. We just have to figure out how. And I think I got an idea.

Leo [to Charlie]

Martha: Do you really think we can do this?
Birdie: Con men are the easiest marks of all because they never think it can happen to them. And with an ego like Jones', he will never see it coming.

Martha: Let's burn the prick.
Birdie: Yes, ma'am.

Come on, Charlie. Love is the oldest con around. You should know that better than anyone.


Turns out my son does know how to pick a winner.

Leo [to Emma]

Joseph: When they go low, we go high.
Grace: Thanks, Michelle.
Emma: It's still good advice.
Grace: It's a good slogan. Good advice is, they go low, we raise money.

Birdie: Hey, Charlie. Martha Pope sounds like a saint.
Leo: But cooler.
Fran: The vibe on this one is bad, Charlie.
Leo: This isn't our kind of job, son.
Charlie: I agree. It's why we're not going after Martha. We're gonna take down the conman.

Okay, we gotta go see a guy about a horse.


The Company You Keep Season 1 Quotes

Emma: Relationships. What a racquet.
Charlie: A shell game to conceal who you really are.
Emma: It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Lying to each other all the time
Charlie: Well, not just lying to each other. Lying to ourselves, really.

Charlie: That was a lot of mustard on that sandwich, Pop.
Leo: Come on. I’ve gotta commit to sell it.
Charlie: I think you oversold it.