Hey, guess who I found just hanging outside the front door. Bad news, though, looks like someone nicked the Gucci collar.


Denial. It's amazing how far you can get on denial. You know why so many people use denial to get by? Because it really fucking works. The thing about denial is sometimes problems do just go away on their own, so it makes it feel like denial works. The placebo effect. Sometimes it works, like I said. But other times, it doesn't. It really fucking doesn't.


Arthur: These were taken in 2011.
Roderick: So she's a stalker. She stalks important people. Oh, wait. This is from the '80s.
Arthur: Gettys. That's Prescott Bush, 1944. Randolph Hearst. Rockefellers.
Doherty. Vanderbilts. And this one. That's John Francis Queeny. He founded Monsanto. In 1901.
Roderick: Bullshit. This is bullshit.
Madeline: Roderick.
Roderick: It's Photoshop. She sprinkled bogus images of herself online.

Sweetie… you might not believe me, but this part has nothing to do with you.


The first thing you have to understand about my son is that he was, if nothing else… crazy.


Frederick: Any structure we own or control, if it's found in violation, and we are legally liable for that property, we'll bring it to code, or we will demolish it as soon as possible.
Woman: You've been saying that for a year. Over a year.

And this thing, this Goldbug, it's different than anything else that my family has ever done, and it is more important now than ever that the world sees that we… That we're more than just Fortunato. We're not just pill pushers. We can be about health and about beauty. And the Usher name is more than just Roderick and Madeline. And I'm scared, Bill.


Was it ever going to be enough? Over the years, I've talked to a lot of people who have taken your drugs. Soccer moms with headaches. Accountants with carpal tunnel. Kids with sports injuries. Their docs prescribe them Ligodone, pitch it like extra strength Tylenol. Fast forward a year, they're shooting up heroin behind dumpsters. Or they're dead.


There are always consequences. Take you, for instance. Someone, a long time ago, made a little decision, then another, then a big one, then one of absolutely no importance. And then by and by, you were born. On that day, you were the consequence of a harmless choice made by someone in a moment where you didn't even exist. And that choice defined your whole life. You are consequence, Perry. And tonight, you are consequential.


Perry: No one has to know. No one will ever find out. Yeah, it's my gift to you. Look… picture the perfect cock in your hands, in your mouth. The perfect pussy, if that's your speed or both. Without faces, without words, without judgment. Wet and hard… and all yours.
Morelle: How dare you? I'm your brother's wife.

We found evidence of buried toxins. Oil, coal, pesticides, rotting debris, chemicals, heavy metals, including arsenic, benzene, chromium, mercury, and lead. One site had such a highly acidic concentration that--


Madeline: It really is you. It's amazing how much I've denied. But it is you. And somehow I knew you'd be here.
Verna: Well, I left you the address, don't pat yourself too hard on the back. Go ahead. Say your piece.
Madeline: I want to ask you to stop.
Verna: Come on. Ask me? That isn't you. And frankly, I think you've forgotten what I am.
Madeline: Fine then. I want to renegotiate.
Verna: You can't.
Madeline: Why not?
Verna: The ink is dry.

The Fall of the House of Usher Season 1 Quotes

Madeline: Mom, you have to drink and… And we think maybe… Maybe we need to call a doctor, like on the TV.
Eliza: No!
Roderick: Mom, please.
Eliza: Jesus showed us how to heal the sick, and it wasn't through medicine! Where is your faith? Your body is a temple of God. And you'd pollute it?!

Camille: We're coming out swinging. Front-facing stuff. Softballs like Fox, Hannity knows which side
his dick's buttered on. He'll be friendly.
Beth: Tucker?
Camille: I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Yes, um, call Bresnickan at Vanity Fair, see if he wants a profile on Leo. We can let Leo help out for a change. He can talk about his Jordans, and his charity work. Kimmel, Colbert, also Leo. And fuck it, fine, Victorine as well, Victorine will work for Vanity and Cosmo. -For some reason, people like her.