I feel like I don't get to see you anymore. Not alone.


BRANDON: So is that it?
STEF: No, actually we need to talk to you guys about Jesus. We need to change the way we've been treating him.
LENA: It's called ableism. We've been expecting him to change things that he can't and keeping things from him that we assumed he couldn't handle, like what happened with the treehouse and Emma.
MARIANA: We were just trying to protect him.
LENA: That's what we thought we were doing, but we were actually underestimating him. [looks at Jesus]We weren't allowing you to control your own life.

Lena: Do you have something or were you just trying to lure Mariana here to see her?
Nick: I have something.
Lena: You better. Otherwise, I'm sending this to your parole officer.

Craig Stratos has no intention of building a school here. He just wants the property so he can build high-end condos with an ocean view. Anchor Beach Academy is a total sham.


I'm so sorry. I had no idea. I really thought we were doing something that would benefit the students, well, some of them anyway. I'm just embarrassed. Look, I think we need to reset and start over. That sound good?


Tim: Why don't you fight for yourself?
Lena: What does that mean?
Tim: You should be principal. Not Drew. He's s dick. He almost sold the whole school down the river. Why are you standing for this?
Lena: I don't have a choice.
Tim: I don't think that's true.

SHILOH: I'm going to ask you one more time before we have you removed. Do you have a question for me?
CALLIE: Yeah, I do.
CALLIE: What is an American? What makes you an American, and me an American, but not Ximena who has lived here her entire life? Gone to school. Graduated. Worked. Paid taxes, and loves this country just as much as anyone who was born here? This [unfolds pic of Ximena] is an American.

LENA: I have given this school my heart and soul. I have led with integrity since the beginning, and I am tired of being overlooked and taken for granted. So, Drew needs to be fired, Lauren, you need to resign, and I need to be given the job that I earned, which is principal of this school. Or I'll leave and so will nearly every teacher at Anchor Beach. You don't believe me? You can just ask them.
TIM: Here's a petition signed by nearly three-quarters of this faculty.

LENA: Are you OK?
STEF: I'm not OK. I can't breathe.
LENA: We can go to the hospital. What's wrong?
STEF: I don't know. Just, something's not right.
LENA: What can I do?
STEF: Hold me.
LENA: OK. OK. Come here. OK. I got you.

I understand you have some information that can save Anchor Beach.

Lena [to Nick]

Lena: We've been doing this wrong, and I'm so sorry. We really thought that we were helping you.
Jesus: Every time you guys were trying to help me, you made me feel like I can't do it, or I'm bad, or I'm broken.
Lena: Honey, you're not broken. You're not, and I promise you, we're going to stop making you feel that way.

If I walk out of this building, I can be detained.
