That was the deal from the beginning, Diane, remember? We'll work together until it was not fun or profitable anymore. Are you having fun?


Grace: I want to be pretty. Just let me be pretty.
Alicia: Oh honey, you are pretty.
Grace: You have to say that. I want other people to think I'm pretty.

Tara: They lost right? What are they doing now?
David: Scorching the earth and poisoning the well.

Cary: Alicia, staying is a mistake. You'll always be under Will.You finally have a chance to get out from under him.
Alicia: Managing Partner is not under him.
Cary: It is. Why do you think he's offering it to you? He wants someone that he can influence, someone that he knows.
Alicia: OK. Thanks Cary.
Cary: Alicia, this is your chance. Take it.

Will: I can't decide this by myself, but I can sway most of the partners, and I think you'll enjoy a honeymoon period as the Governor's wife.
Alicia: Uh...OK. I..I'm not...
Will: I want you to consider replacing Diane as managing partner.

Diane: I want what I'm worth. You want me not to bad talk you to my clients, rethink your offer. Now get out of my office.
David: This isn't your office.
Diane: It is. Until you have the security guards escort me out.

Diane: This is my firm!
Will: It was your firm.
Diane: Then get the security guards. Carry me out.
Will: No. We have enough respect for you not to make this a public spectacle.

Alicia: What's going on?
Will: Diane.

Well, I've already been to prison myself, so I guess I'm pre-inoculated.


Diane: I want to be on the Court, Eli, of course I do. But I can't betray Will. Not like that.
Eli: It hardly matters now. What's done is done.

Alicia: I'm gonna start drinking.
Veronica: Pour me one, too!

Now, now. Jesus has no problem with Grace looking her best. That's what Jesus believed in.


The Good Wife Season 5 Quotes

Alicia: It's kind of weird. Everything's ending.
Cary: Beginning, too.

Alicia: Thanks for doing this here.
Cary: No problem. What are you thinking?
Alicia: I'm in.
Cary: With Agos/Florrick?
Alicia: Florrik/Agos.