Mrs. Steven: You know, I'm not feeling well. I think I might be getting the flu. Maybe we should skip tonight's ceremony. What do you think?
Ofsteven: You can't be sick every month.
Mrs. Steven: No, I can't.

Good. We'll do it this afternoon after the shopping. May as well strike while the iron is hot.

Serena Joy

Serena Joy: Nothing yet?
Offred: Nope, nothing.
Serena Joy: Well, that's bad luck. Your time is running out here. You don't want to be sent to the colonies, do you? Maybe he can't. [whispers] The Commander. I was thinking maybe we could try another way.
Offred: I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean.
Serena Joy: With another man.

There was an Offred before me. She helped me find my way out. She is dead. She is alive. She is me. We are Handmaids. Nolite Te Bastardes Carborundorum bitches.


Moira, you wouldn't stand for this shit. You wouldn't let them keep you in this room for two weeks. You'd find some way to escape. Get up. Get your crazy ass up.

Offred [in her head]

Doctor: You're ripe, right on schedule. Doesnt' really matter. Waterford's probably sterile. Most of those guys are.
Offred [in her head]: Sterile. That's a forbidden word. There is no such thing as a sterile man anymore. There's only women who are fruitful and women who are barren.
Doctor [whispers, hands on her knees]: I can help you. It could be the only way for you. If Waterford can't get you pregnant, they won't blame him, it will be your fault. He reveals his face. It will only take a few minutes, honey.
Offred: I can't. It's too dangerous. Thank you.

Aunt Lydia: Moira?
Moira: Are you saying we will be having intercourse with the men between the wive's legs?

Serena Joy: What did she do this time?
Rita: She was on the ground, mam. She said she fainted.
Fred: She fainted?
Serena Joy: No, that's what she said.
Rita: She was on the ground. Should I make an appointment at the doctor?
Serena Joy: No. She'll be fine.
Rita: We do have the ceremony tonight.
Serena Joy: Make an appointment.

A window with white curtains. The glass is shatterproof, but it isn't running away that they're afraid of. A Handmaid wouldn't get far. It's those other escapes, the ones you can open in yourself given a cutting edge or a twisted shape and a chandelier. It's harder on Ceremony Day, but thinking can hurt your chances. My name is Offred. I had another name, but it's forbidden now. So many things are forbidden now.


A priest, a doctor, a gay man. I think I heard that joke once. This wasn't the punchline.


Aunt Lydia: Remember your scripture; blessed are the meek.
Offred: And blessed are those who suffer for the cause of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. I remember.

Moira: Sounds like they froze any account on it with an F on it other than an M.
June: I have $4,000 in that account. They can't just take it.
Moira: They made it easy. All they needed to do was push a few buttons. Alyssa heard there's a new law. Women can't own property anymore.
June: Wait. What? Are you fucking serious?
Moira: Luke can use your account. They'll transfer the money to him. Or that's what they're saying. Husband or male next of kin. You know, they needed to do it this way, all the bank accounts and the jobs at the same time. Can you imagine the airports otherwise? They don't want us leavin', you can bet on that.
June: They can't just do this. They can't.

The Handmaid's Tale Season 1 Quotes

A priest, a doctor, a gay man. I think I heard that joke once. This wasn't the punchline.


A window with white curtains. The glass is shatterproof, but it isn't running away that they're afraid of. A Handmaid wouldn't get far. It's those other escapes, the ones you can open in yourself given a cutting edge or a twisted shape and a chandelier. It's harder on Ceremony Day, but thinking can hurt your chances. My name is Offred. I had another name, but it's forbidden now. So many things are forbidden now.
