Go to your room. [Serena goes]

Alanis [ to Serena]

So, you're at the place right now where perineal massage is going to start being very effective for ya. Tearing is no picnic, so anything to get that tissue more flexible will be a great benefit when the time comes. Avoid the gels. Just stick with essential oils, witch hazel, that sort of thing. They've got it all stocked here.

Dr. Landers

Luke: Can you believe this kid?
June: I've never seen anyone in Gilead that's pure like him.

Luke: Oh, shit. Holy shit. Oh my God. Is, is that, uh, is that Gilead?
June: Gilead doesn't use words.

We can't let a few simple rules get in the way of God's will, can we?


June: I didn't do it this time, but I'm not going to promise that I won't do it next time.
Luke: I can't promise I won't, either. I guess we'll just have to trust each other.

Aunt Lydia: Commander Lawrence, I have come to believe that the handmaid system must be reformed. A new protocol to prevent such harmful incidents from happening in the future.
Commander Lawrence: I'm all ears.
Aunt Lydia: Handmaids would remain under my care. Commanders and wives would visit each month when it's time to perform the ceremony.
Commander Lawrence: You mean go to the Red Center, kind of Handmaid's Hotel, where you're the concierge?
Aunt Lydia: I believe God will be better served if handmaids are no posted in households!
Commander Lawrence: What are you smoking? No commander is going to buy into that. They're not interested in some quick in and out to make a baby. They want those girls in their homes, accessible anytime so they can sniff the air after they walk by or do whatever the hell they want to get their rocks off. These are pious men. They need a little kink. You know that.

Serena: Is that what you came here to tell me? That we have issues with the plumbing here?
Luke: Well, I also came here to tell you that my wife is gonna kill you, right? And I'm gonna let her.
Serena: Is that so?
Luke: Um hmm. So, you can get kicked out, you could be killed, or just help us get Hannah back.
Serena: Agnes is happy. She has fit and loving parents, just as the good Lord intended. Who am I to question God's will? You know, come to think of it, I do wonder why you never returned to Gilead to 'save' your daughter. I mean, there were risks, of course. Which your wife took, and she suffered for them many times. Then again, she did have Nick's support. I'm sure that gave you some small comfort knowing that.
Luke: You stay away from my family, or the next time I see you, I'm going to fuckin' kill you myself.

It's gonna happen here. She is going to bring it here. I swear to fucking God, she's going to bring it here! The only way to stop her and to stop them is to put them all in the fuckin' ground!


Janine: [laughs] Why didn't you just pluck her eye out?
Aunt Lydia: I gave you the education you needed to live a safe and meaningful life. And here you are, still with us!
Janine: Stop it! I know what you do, what you do to those girls. You're precious girls. I see you! I see who you really are. I've still got one good eye, remember? You going to take that one too?

Will you stop talking about the bible? My legs don't work!


Luke: Get the fuck out of my house. Get the fuck out of my house!
Mark: She has no standing here. She has no status. She doesn't have a passport. There's no money in her name. She can't even drive a car. She's limited.
June: I warned you about her. You won't listen. God, you're such a fucking disappointment.
Mark: Well, perhaps your expectations were unrealistic.

The Handmaid's Tale Season 5 Quotes

Serena Joy: I'd like to see my husband's remains.
Mark: I'll have to see if that's possible.
Serena Joy: I just lost him. Do you people have any decency at all? Any scintilla of grace? Where were you? Did something happen to Fred's plane?
Mark: No. There was a change in Commander Waterford's itinerary. He wasn't on his way to Geneva.
Serena Joy: Where was he?
Mark: The United States government made a deal with the Gilead government. Last night, he was involved in a prisoner exchange at the border.
Serena Joy: So you sent him back to be killed.
Mark: They agreed to try him under the Gilead system of justice. I delivered him safely. I don't know what happened to him after that.
Serena Joy: You know eg, you knew exactly what would happen to him!
Mark: No.
Serena Joy: And I'm sure you got your 30 pieces of silver, no doubt!
Mark: I traded Fred for 22 political prisoners! Women your government sent to die in the colonies! My job right now is to protect you and your baby.
Serena Joy: From whom?! You were responsible for Fred's death!
Mark: Fuck's sake. Serena J- Two things arrived at the ICC detention center in an envelope addressed to you this morning.
Serena Joy: It's his wedding ring.
Mark: Serena, they also sent a finger, a severed finger.

Everything tastes better when Fred's dead.
