Carry my voice with you. Don’t let go, not until you’re staring that beast straight in the eyes.


Right, then. Let’s go fuck up an empire.


He watches the morning light / Catch on her raven hair / Curves of her lips / Promisin’ a life that they will share / Two lovers intertwined / In the light of a winter’s dawn / As the rumble of war / Sweeps down through the valley / So stay with me, oh, lover / My heart’s filled with worry / Star with me, oh, lover / The borders are burning / And the war is yearning / To take you away from me / Bury you deep / In the clay down below / So she waits by a river / For the ghost of her lover / His legacy she carries / Soon to be a mother / While the echoes of the fallen / Still carry on the morning mist / Searching for their way home / To their one true love’s kiss / So come to me, oh, lover / Your unborn is yearning / Come to me, oh, lover / My heart is still burning / My soul is yearning / To feel the river swirling / To join you once more / In the next world eternal / To join you once more / In the next world eternal


Eredin: The merchants are taking advantage, raising the price of grain.
Balor: Then hand them on the city walls as a lesson to others.
Eredin: They still control the supply lines to the east. Hand them and we lose access to the Dwarven steel we need for our campaigns to the new world.
Balor: What would you suggest we do? Invite them over for tea? Bake them a honey cake?
Eredin: Arrest the guild leadership. Allow the rest of them to continue trading under our terms. Starving citizens are a recipe for rebellion.
Balor: Try it. If it doesn’t work, there’s always the honey cake. Or the hanging.

Eredin: Stories can be put down with steel.
Balor: History is littered with fools who believed the very same. Control the story, control the world.

Éile: Who the fuck are you?
Brother Death: Let’s just say I’m one for a good story. I think that you might be the start of one.

Brother Death: I thought that I was done with killing. Seems that killing isn’t done with me. So I reckon I’ll be joining your little story. If you’d have me.
Éile: How good are you with those cleavers?
Brother Death: Too good.

It’s all about the little things, isn’t it? When you think about it. The little traces we leave behind of ourselves. Our little tells. I could always tell when Gwen had been in a room or crossed a street. That smell of winterberry and lilac. Still don’t know how she did that.


Mere tokens beget mere tastes. Transformation requires true sacrifice.

Arid World Being

Eredin: We were so careful.
Merwyn: Sometimes, luck simply casts her lot against you.

Brían: This could be a new beginning.
Eredin: Or our quick end.

Where, oh, where does the young deer run? / Over mountain and valleys / Under winter sun / Oh, where, oh, where does the young fox go? / Over fields, over rivers / Through the falling snow / I am here, I am here / Waiting for my love / By the stars, by the moon / A singing silver dove / Now away, you hunters, with bow and blade / Lest Brokilon Forest take you in her sweet embrace / Away, you hunters with bow and blade / Lest she take you to / The forgotten place

Young Éile

The Witcher: Blood Origin Season 1 Quotes

Jaskier: Why did you save me from the Temerians?
Seanchai: I need you to sing a story back to life. We’re related, you and I. You’re a bard. I’m a storyteller. Of a sort.
Jaskier: I beg to differ. You… you are a time-stopping, shape-shifting, probably-gonna-eat-me-without-salt-at-some-point sort of storyteller. I’m just a man with an admittedly… fun hat.

Jaskier: What are you?
Not Jaskier: I am many things. Many faces. Many places.
Jaskier: Then why do you look like me?
Not Jaskier: Because you love yourself. I have other faces. If you prefer.