It's a funny thing that we forget sometimes. We're so scared that we are going to die, we forget to do the thing that keeps us alive. Breathe.


Kid Kate: Did I marry Zack from Saved By The Bell?
Adult Kate: No. Someone better whose taller, and funnier and beardier.

Rebecca: Do you have a dream? Sorry is that a stupid question?
Jack: No. It's just no ones really ever asked me that before. Right now I just want to make sure that my mom is okay. Get her settled at her friend's place, and then I don't know. A decent job, a wife, a family, a house that feels nothing like the house I grew up in. Is that a stupid answer?

Beth: You kind of have trouble apologizing to your siblings.
Randall: What? No, I don't!
Beth: Miguel says it's because you feel like you need to be the rock for them, and apologizing shows vulnerability.
Randall: I'm sorry, Miguel's weighing in on this now?
Beth: Me, him and Toby have a text chain. It's mostly GIFs but you know sometimes we talk about how messed up y'all are.

Kevin: See, getting picked up from the airport isn't so bad. You get some guy to carry your bags for you and get some baller flowers.
Zoe: Baller?
Kevin: I regretted it the moment I said it.

Randall: Is this movie going to make me cry?
Kevin: Uh well you cry at everything so probably.
Randall: Oh it's gonna make me cry buckets, I can tell.

Kevin: What's going on here?
Miguel: Oh well Kate and Toby are getting In Vitro, and your mother knows everything there is to know about IVF because of Eloise and Plaza.
Kevin: The book?
Miguel: No.

Deja: This school is pretty white, man.
Randall: What? White people go to this school?
Deja: They got a club for milk enthusiasts. What is that?
Randall: Sounds like my kind of club. Where do I sign up?

I'm the king of cas. Cas like casual not the king of cashmere. Although that's a lie; I am the king of cashmere. I am, and I'm not ashamed of it.


I adore you, bro-in-law. Okay, I know I don't always say it out loud because it kind of ruins my schtick but I do. You're the only person who talks to my kids like their people and not just kids. You're kind, you're funny and everything about the way you look says people should hate but everybody loves you. I love you.


Beth: Zoe, you could be with any other guy. You're going to be with Kevin?
Zoe: Yes, I'm going to be with Kevin!
Beth: What in the holy hell are you think?
Zoe: What am I thinking? I'm thinking he looks like Batman and he is built like a truck.

Randall: It is my birthday and I need you to swear it on Oprah.
Beth: I'm not doing that.
Randall: Beth!
Beth: Fine. I will swear on Oprah.
Randall: Thank you.
Beth: Even Gayle let Oprah down sometimes.

This Is Us Season 3 Quotes

Randall: It is my birthday and I need you to swear it on Oprah.
Beth: I'm not doing that.
Randall: Beth!
Beth: Fine. I will swear on Oprah.
Randall: Thank you.
Beth: Even Gayle let Oprah down sometimes.

Rebecca: I'm sorry, I feel like I'm talking too much. Am I talking too much? Because I feel like I'm talking too much. Please tell me something about you.
Jack: Well, my name's Jack.