You think I pay my waiters with his paintings, huh? I tell you one thing, Mr. Texas. If I saw him now, I'd kidnap the little bastard.


I sure hope you're right, because if you're not, the whirlwind of the Lord will come forth in fury. And it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked... as we say back home.


Here it's just a business deal... with threats.


As so often happens, we must find someone else to sort out the mess.


1973, the year of our Lord. The milk went sour.


Kids on benders don't send fucking kidnap notes.


Turns out a rich life is just as messed up as a poor life. Just a different kind of messed up.


I would like to send a message to the persons — person — responsible for the disappearance of my grandson. I have 14 other grandchildren who would be put at risk if I were to negotiate with kidnappers. So for their sake, I am making it clear now, and for the record, that I will not be paying a single, solitary cent. Good evening.


Howdy, Marcello. You know, when I was in the CIA, they taught us how to kill a man with a pencil. Just goes in the ear like that, through the ear drum, and then BAM, right into the brain. Lights out. I've never tried it, but I do not doubt the theory.


Chase: OK. So you really don't have him?
Mafioso: Nobody has him.

Getty: [The English] still think oil is just stuff that makes their cars go. Oil is everything. Everything! You got up this morning and washed your hair. The shampoo was derived from oil. Your toothbrush is made entirely of oil-based plastic. Your jacket's polyester, made from ethylene. Your sneakers, plastic tops, synthetic rubber soles. All stuck together with an oil-based adhesive.
Paul: Cotton underpants.
Getty: And they got to the store how? By donkey, or diesel truck?

Bullimore: Mr. Getty's children are a source of disappointment to him, sir. It would be a sadness if that opinion came to include his grandchildren as well.
Paul: You don't want anything?
Bullimore: No, sir.

  • Permalink: No, sir.
  • Added:

Trust Season 1 Quotes

I am his girlfriend. They are decoration.


Nice? It's a Rubens, boy. He had a team of assistants that did all the hard work. Then he came in at the end and touched it up with a few strokes of brilliance. An assistant. That'd be nice.
