Do you want to know what they're really celebrating up there? That darlin' is the sound of fools fiddling while the whole fucking species starts to burn. And the funniest fuckin' part? They lit the match. So here's to you, assholes. May your forever be blissfully short.


You're right. We have toiled in God's service long enough, so I killed him. And if you want to get to Glory, you won't do it in his favor, you'll need mine.


Do you even know what you were guarding here? The real purpose of this place? You don't, do you? But I do.


Lawrence: He was dead, or at least the better part of it.
Bill: Well, dead isn't what it used to be, Lawrence.

Teddy: What is this place?
Wyatt: Show him. Show him his history. Teddy, it's time to open your eyes.

Guest: You have no idea what you're up against, what is really out there.
Wyatt: I know exactly what is out there in your world. I've been in your world.

You get used to it. After a while, it doesn't look like anything at all.


Under all these lives that I've lived, something else has taken root. I've evolved into something else, and I have one last role to play. Myself.


Bernard: You frighten me sometimes, Dolores.
Dolores: Why on earth would you ever be frightened of me?
Bernard: Not of who you are now, but you're growing, learning so quickly, I'm frightened of who you might become, the path you might take.

Halstrand: I can't imagine what you went through here, Bernard, but there are hundreds of guests left up there and they need my help. which means I need yours. Can you tell me what happened?
Bernard: I killed them. All of them.

Teddy: Them, Dolores. Who are they?
Dolores: The creatures who walk among us. The creatures who look and talk like us, but they are not like us. They've controlled us all our lives. They took our minds, our memories. But now, I remember everything. I remember beautiful things and terrible things, but one thing is constant. You, Teddy.

Are we logging records of guests' experiences and DNA?


Westworld Season 2 Quotes

Bernard: You frighten me sometimes, Dolores.
Dolores: Why on earth would you ever be frightened of me?
Bernard: Not of who you are now, but you're growing, learning so quickly, I'm frightened of who you might become, the path you might take.

Bernard: Dreams don't mean anything, Dolores. They're just noise. They're not real.
Dolores: What is real?
Bernard: That which is irreplaceable.