Dee: You got yourself into a very stupid situation, mother.
Alma: Yes, well, nobody ever said I was brilliant.

Joan: I never thought you could be so ruthless.
Alma: Neither did I. To be honest, I'm rather impressed with myself. [giggles maniacally]

Jail hasn't been kind to your face. A few weeks behind bars, and you look five years older.


Rita: Scooter? What are you doing here?
Catherine: He lives here. You told him he would someday. Aren't you glad I made good on your promise?

Vern: Hey, Scooter. Do you ever think about Dee Philcott?
Scooter: Sure, now and then.
Vern: Do me a favor. Forget about her.

Bertram, for someone who has committed dozens of murders, you can be a real stick in the mud.


Bertram: Alma, you lied to me. You don't care about our marriage at all!
Alma: Killing is stressful enough without quarreling in front of the victim!

Harry: You ugly bitch.
Rita: Is he dead?
Isabel: He called me ugly. Who cares?

Don't worry. You'll be packing your bags before you know it.


Alma: Where did you get that?
Isabel: Rita got a guy to have a photo of Catherine having sex so she could blackmail her. Now I'll use it to blackmail you. Isn't life funny?

Did you hear that, Mrs. Yost? I'm in the Garden Club, the club that you said would never have me as a member. Have fun turning in your grave.


Alma: Rita was my disease. She was a tumor, causing me no end of pain. Agony. So I had her removed.
Bertram: It's not the same thing!
Alma: There's so much suffering in the world because of cruelty and unkindness. Rich, beautiful people with power humiliating weak nobodies who displease them. Rita thought I was weak. So did I. You, you taught me that we all have power. If only we're brave enough to use it.