Sabine's New but Old Look - Ahsoka
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Sabine is in the hospital and wants to join the fight, but Ahsoka declares that she's done enough.

Hera tells Sabine that she's doing well, but Ahsoka knows that. Sabine doesn't believe she does.

Ahsoka goes to Sabine's communication center because she believes there's still a droid there after how many went after her.

She finds one and Sabine tracks the location to Coreille, revealing that there's something amiss with Morgan's old shipyard.

Hera and Ahsoka make their way there and come up against roadblocks when they ask questions, which is a thing that makes them curious.

A droid fesses up that a killer droid with a higher clearance was there five rotations ago.

A gunfight ensues and Hera chases the machine and puts a tracker on it as Ahsoka fights back against the bad guys.

Ultimately, the good guys prevail and all seems right in the world... for now, at least.

Sabine cuts her hair and gets her Mandalore costume out of storage and declares she's ready for her next training.

The pair join forces and prepare for answers. Hera is happy.

Baylon and Shin realize that Ahsoka is tracking them and Morgan says that they'll have a plan in place to kill her when they need to.

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Ahsoka Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Ahsoka: Where are you going?
Sabine: Somewhere I can think more clearly.
Ahsoka: I'm not sure that's a good idea.
Sabine: Why?
Ahsoka: This isn't just about finding Ezra. It's about preventing another war.
Sabine: You think I don't know that?
Ahsoka: The map stays here.

Ahsoka: I just wish she had changed a little. But she's still just as stubborn and bullish as ever.
Hera: She's Mandalorian. You knew what you were getting into.
Ahsoka: I thought I did. Things didn't turn out the way either of us wanted. Hera: Mentoring someone is a challenge. I bet your Master found you difficult at times. Ahsoka: Anakin never got to finish my training. Before the end of the Clone Wars, I walked away from him. And the Jedi. Just like I walked away from Sabine.