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Derek offers Jade some advice about men but she wants nothing from him. Lily warns Holden that Luke is in trouble again.

Noah tries to stop Luke from continuing with his search for the drug supplier.

When Casey pipes up with his suspicion that Matt may be the "M" on the mystery note found in Elwood's dorm room, Luke wants to help him prove it.

The two approach Jade about using her help to buy some drugs from Matt. Jade reluctantly agrees and presses Matt for a "pick me up" at Yo's.

He claims he doesn't have anything other than the booze he's selling.

Casey tries to warn Alison that Matt may be dealing drugs but she downplays his concern and then worries that Casey may be planning something.

She rushes to Yo's in time to interrupt Jade and warns her new friend what Jade's trying to do.

Meanwhile, after Holden blasts Luke for not thinking as he broke into Elwood's dorm, he and Lily take Luke and Noah to the station house to tell all to Margo.

She orders Luke to stay out of this matter from now on.

Told Casey was the last person to have the drugs, Margo returns home and finds a bag of pills in his backpack.

Casey denies they are his and, when he spots Alison, he guesses that Matt or Alison planted the drugs.

When Jade leaves Yo's, Derek confronts her about trying to score some drugs and warns her about taking this deadly path to nowhere.

A vindictive Matt asks Jade to warn Casey about "payback" and also comments on why Casey would sleep with her.

When he points out all the things he has done since he left school, Holden orders Luke to find a new school and get his life back on track.

What happens next? Find out in our As the World Turns spoilers!

As the World Turns
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