A Secret Affair - Fellow Travelers
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In the present, Hawkins is having a party with friends, family, and people from work.

He's ecstatic about going to Madrid, seemingly.

Marcus appears and asks to speak with him. He leaves the party and it's clear there's immediate tension between them.

Marcus tells him that Tim has HIV and there's a good chance he won't make it soon, but declares he doesn't want to hear from Hawkins and to stay away.

Hawkins is conflicted, but Marcus says he has this great life now and not to mess it up.

Back in the 1950s, Hawkins goes to a party and comes across Tim, who gets his attention by asking for a glass of milk.

They chat for a few and then Hawkins leaves. Hawkins picks up Eddie after cruising in a public bathroom.

They sleep together and Hawkins isn't ready for pleasantries, so Eddie gets upset about it. Hawkins leaves and takes his lighter with him.

The next day, he bumps into Tim at the same cruising area and they have a conversation. They have very different views and Tim says he's looking for a job.

Hawkins takes his number and calls him with an opportunity and its with an opposing office. Tim gets the job and leaves Hawkins a book in his office with a note saying that he's wonderful.

Later, Hawkins shows up and says he'd like to take Tim to dinner, but he doesn't want to waste the chicken noodle soup.

They then have a whirlwind romance that's changed when Tim asks Hawkins about his past because he feels like he's not learning anything about him.

Tim also believes the rumors he's heard about Hawkins and Alice, which causes friction between him and Hawkins.

Ultimately, they go to a party and things change when Tim gets too drunk and he's taken home.

In the '80s, Hawkins calls his friend to find out about Tim's dire condition, and is told that it could be any time.

Hawkins tells Alice he's going on a plan to San Francisco and she's struggling with it.

Once he arrives, he calls Tim from a diner and Tim hangs up.



Fellow Travelers
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Fellow Travelers Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Hawkins: You looked me up?
Tim: I did.

You have your beautiful life and family here.
