#ThinkBrink (103) - Gen V Season 1 Episode 3
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Three years ago.

While asleep, Cate remembers when Sam found out that he and Luke were given Compound V. A soldier messes up, and Sam kills him gruesomely.

Cate tells Sam to go to sleep, and he falls asleep.

Present day.

Andre says he will pursue Sam's case, and Cate attempts to get him to stop. They hook up.

Marie tries to get Emma to get some help with eating after finding Emma had shrunk too much she couldn't move. Emma tells Marie to back off.

Shetty invites Marie to a fundraiser gala.

Polarity and Andre watch a social media training lesson where they analyze Marie's interview.

Justine tries to apologize to Emma.

Emma's mom visits her in school, revealing that she will attend the gala.

Luke mourns Sam's death, and Cate consoles him.

Jordan's parents also visit their dorm since they will attend the gala. Jordan changes to male when interacting with them.

Emma's mom tries to pitch her a new show.

Jordan's parents keep referring to them as he because they prefer male Jordan.

Emma tells off her mother and the show producer.

Andre ropes in Emma to find the truth about Luke's brother. Emma agrees to shrink and check out somewhere Andre believes Sam is being held. She finds a way in.

Brink's tribute is played as Shetty asks people to donate to the school.

Andre tries to tell his dad about The Woods, but his father tells him to keep quiet.

Marie tells the story of how she killed her parents to Cate and Jordan, and Cate shares how her powers started to manifest.

Emma and Sam get to know each other but are interrupted by soldiers when they realize Sam is not alone.

Emma enters a soldier's ear and scrambles his brain, killing him. More soldiers barge in.


Gen V
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Gen V Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Emma's mom: How's your eating? You are on your own now. You need to be careful about your calorie intake. OK? Are you keeping your food log?
Emma: Yes, mom. I am completely balanced.
Emma's mom: You look an inch or two shorter than usual, so you might need to add 50 calories. Yeah, I'm just... I'm just gonna check your height I've got the measuring tape here.
Emma: Mom, do not measure me!

Jordan: I'm not a boy, Dad. Not all the time. And I'm sorry that you hate that.
Jordan's Dad: But you are! You're my firstborn son. The day you were born was the best day of my life. I thought we were giving you a gift with Compound V.
Jordan: You did give me a gift.