Watch Hannibal Season 3 Episode 6 Online and see Hannibal and Bedelia react to the new circumstances, while Will and Jack reunite and renew their alliance.

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Watch Hannibal Season 3 Episode 6 online and see Hannibal beaten and hurt after his confrontation with Jack. Bedelia patches him up, but parts ways with him as he prepares to run from Florence.

Bedelia is later questioned by the police, but her reaction to being questioned is quite a surprise. Her interaction with the police yields much different results than expected.

Will Graham meets Jack at the scene of Pazzi's murder. Jack questions whether Will is ready to deal with the part of himself that wants to follow Hannibal.

Mason Verger fantasizes about eating Hannibal, but his reveries are stopped short by the news of Pazzi's death. Verger has to take much more drastic measures in order to find Hannibal before anyone else does.

Will finds Hannibal at the museum, where they reconcile and leave together. However, things are not exactly as they seem, and they are not alone.

Episode Details

On Hannibal Season 3 Episode 6, Hannibal and Bedelia reacts to the new circumstances, while Will and Jack reunite and renew their alliance.

Rating: 2.9 / 5.0 (53 Votes)
Episode Number:

Hannibal Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

Hannibal: It would be a shame not to savour you.
Bedelia: I haven't marinated enough for your tastes.

You may make a meal of me yet, Hannibal. But not today.
