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Montage. Charlie wakes up, prepares for, and heads to school, all with a smile plastered on his face. Montage ends.

Nick pulls him to an empty room and tells him that Nick came out to his mom, and it went really well. They kiss.

Montage. Charlie and Nick kiss everywhere. They visit each other's homes and kiss any chance they get. Montage ends.

Charlie tells Tao and Isaac that he and Nick are now dating, and Nick wants to come out.

Elle finds them in a shop, and she and Tao have an awkward moment. Charlie buys a chocolate bar.

Nick ignores his past friend group. He hangs out with Imogen, who has a new dog and fancies someone new.

GCSE study hall begins, and Nick and Ben are seatmates. Nick decides to ignore Ben. Mr. Farouk supervises revision.

Charlie rejoins the rugby team. He wants to be close to Nick.

Tara and Darcy encourage Elle to pursue Tao. She flirts with him.

Charlie gives Nick the chocolate bar for their two-month anniversary. They start kissing and are interrupted. Charlie tells Nick they shouldn't kiss at school as he might get outed.

Nick says he wants to come out to Imogen. Charlie plans a sleepover and invites Nick and Imogen so that he can come out to her.

Charlie's sister watches their interaction and smiles.

Nick and Charlie stay close at the sleepover, Elle flirts with Tao without success, and Tara and Darcy joke and flirt. Isaac glances at all of them and dives into his book.

Elle flirts with Tao again and gets frustrated when he doesn't seem receptive to her advances.

Nick and Tao talk, and Tao snaps when Nick mentions Elle will be going to college.

Everyone supports Nick to come out to Imogen. He finds her in private, but before he can tell her, she blurts out that she knows something about Nick and Charlie. She assumes he's gay, and he corrects her.

She reveals she has a crush on Ben.

Everyone leaves the following morning, but not before Nick and Charlie kiss.

Charlie tells his parents that he and Nick are boyfriends and will go on the Paris trip together. Charlie's dad bans Nick from sleepovers and the bedroom door should stay open.

Charlie's sister raises concerns about bullying now that they're telling people they're together. Charlie says he can protect Nick.

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Heartstopper Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Charlie: Hi!
Nick: Hi!

Charlie: Want a "well done" kiss?
Nick: Yeah.