Lestat Takes The Stage - Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 3
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Daniel goes to a restaurant, and a man named Ragland James, also sitting at the sushi bar, alludes to knowing him and having hacked his computer.

Back at the penthouse, Daniel asks Armand how vampires hide from the cloud, and Armand tells him about his past with Lestat.

Armand explains that he led a desolute coven called 'Children of Darkness.' when he first arrived in Paris. He saw Lestat performing at the theater and later followed him and his human lover, Nicholas. Armand freezes time and pushes them around before taking Nicholas to his coven.

Lestat shows up to the coven to retrieve Nicholas and also tells them to stop worshipping God through Satan, which was Armand's plan all along.

Lestat eventually comes to Armand, whose coven has disbanded, and wants him to teach him how to achieve certain powers. Lestat then tells him about his idea for the theater and brings him there, where he sees the former members of his coven are all working, and Nicholas, now a vampire, is in the orchestra.

Armand tells Lestat he loves him, and Lestat says it back but disappears one week later.

Back in Paris during the time of Louis and Claudia, the two vampires continue to go over their lies about their maker. And Louis warns there's danger if the coven finds out they lied.

Armand stops by the apartment, and he and Louis go for a walk along the river, where Louis hallucinates Lestat. He tells Armand he doesn't want to join the coven.

At the theater, Claudia works backstage and learns how the bodies are disposed of each night. She also discovers vaults, which house vampires who broke the law.

Louis and Armand talk about religion, eventually speaking through their heads. Louis then brings Lestat in, who taunts him. Armand then asks him to be honest about his maker, and Louis breaks down and says it was Lestat, which Armand already knew.

Louis leaves the restaurant and envisions Lestat, whom he kisses and kills. In reality, he kills a random man in the park.

Claudia invites Louis to the theater the night she joins the coven.

In Dubai, Daniel looks through the files planted on his computer and ignores DMs from Ragland. He sees an article about the burning of the theater.

At the theater, Santiago has a conversation in his mind with Armand while on stage and says Louis will ruin them. Armand then says he'll get rid of Louis after Claudia joins the coven.

While Claudia is inducted into the coven, Armand takes Louis underground, and Louis says he's leaving while Armand reminds him he broke many laws.

Armand tells Louis that Claudia won't be there long, as her mind will go, and Louis asks if he's going to kill him, not to do it by fire.

Armand leads them back to Louis's apartment, and Louis invites him inside, assuming he won't kill him.

Interview with the Vampire
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Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Daniel: You let it happen.
Armand: Yes.
Daniel: You led him there so he could destroy it.
Armand: His words had been my thoughts for half a century. If it had come from me, they wouldn't have believed it.

Daniel: You kill nightly.
Armand: And sometimes you've watched that kill on the local news. You've never been easier to distract. You're at the height of willful ignorance. We exploit it. This is, was, Lestat's prophetic vision.