Tensions Come to a Head - Lessons in Chemistry
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We find Elizabeth as a child watching her father preach at a church in rural Alabama in1934, telling his congregation he's received a sign from God himself. After the service, Elizabeth and her brother John talk about what their father truly does, and he shows her a trick, with fire and pistachios, citing chemistry as the catalyst.

Interspersed with her father performing, Elizabeth is shown in her adulthood at the TV studio, receiving the same type of praise from her audience as her father used to get from the congregation.

At a taping of Supper At Six, Elizabeth speaks to an audience member who's been inspired. Elizabeth encourages her to pursue her dreams, earning applause from the audience.

At the Sloane residence, Harriet's family and Reverend Wakely watch the news and learn about the arrest of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Though Charlie encourages the kids to stop watching, Harriet says they should see the news to prepare them for what's happening in the world.

As Elizabeth puts Mad to bed, it's clear through their conversation that Mad is still hurt by Elizabeth's absence at home. When Mad is left alone with the lights out, she pulls a science periodical out from beneath her bed and begins to read some of Calvin's early research. Elizabeth sits at the kitchen table to sign autographs and begins to have flashbacks to her father signing prayer cards for parishioners as though they were his fans.

At the Sloanes, Harriet and Charlie discuss the news while he gets ready for work. Harriet comes up with an idea for a peaceful protest involving stopping traffic on the freeway. Charlie pushes back against the idea, but Harriet feels as though he's trying to control her. Elizabeth calls, breaking up the couple's argument, and while she talks about her day at the studio it's clear she's unaware of what's going on in the world of civil rights. Rather than heeding Calvin's warnings, Harriet begins to plan the protest with her colleagues at the law firm she works for.

The following day at the studio, Phil shares that Supper At Six has a new sponsor. Elizabeth refuses to celebrate the sponsor or promote them, but Phil tells her she has no choice. During the live show, Elizabeth starts the sponsorship, but she decides not to go through with it after seeing her audience ready to take her advice. In the control room, Phil is angry while Walter is defeated. At the end of the show, Phil suspends Elizabeth and her crew for 3 days without pay.

Mad speaks to Reverend Wakely about the St. Luke's boys homes' she's contacted, and he tells her they've hit a dead end in their research. He tries to inspire her to keep going, telling her they'll work together.

Elizabeth, frustrated, begins having flashbacks about her childhood while she's on suspension. She remembers her brother, John, holding hands with another boy and their father beating and berating him for doing so. Elizabeth remembers them putting down their argument so her father could put on a show for another congregation. John comes up on stage to pretend a demon is being exorcised from him as their father praises the lord.

Elizabeth heads to the grocery store and runs into Fran Frask from Hastings, who says she's unemployed. The two have an apologetic exchange, and Elizabeth offers to leave a ticket for Fran to see the next taping of Supper At Six.

At the library, Mad and Linda ask a reference librarian to help them find all the documentation about Calvin that exists. The librarian says it will take time, but she'll try to help.

Supper At Six's next taping starts with a product placement ad, much to Elizabeth's chagrin. After the show, Elizabeth meets with Fran who was in the audience. Fran offers her some notes about the taping and Elizabeth hires her on the spot.

The librarian tells Mad that there was a cease and desist for Calvin in public record and it happens to be filed with the same law firm Harriet works for. She has Linda and Junior sneak into the records room at the law firm to find it, but Harriet catches them in the act. Harriet takes everything to Elizabeth, who's confused about why Mad doesn't just ask her about Calvin.

Elizabeth lets Harriet know she won't be able to come to the protest because she's afraid the studio will suspend her and the crew again, but Harriet doesn't take it well. Harriet lectures her on her privilege, leaving Elizabeth overwhelmed and hurt.

In another flashback, Elizabeth is told to stay in the car while her brother rides in the locked trunk, begging to be let out. The family is staying in a hotel room when a gunshot is heard from another room, and Elizabeth's mother discovers John has shot himself. Elizabeth's father, distraught, says John has made his choice and Elizabeth remembers another moment of an earlier conversation with her brother. John explained that living a lie must feel the same way hell does, and it stuck with Elizabeth.

At the beginning of the next Supper At Six taping, Elizabeth shares she'll be joining Harriet's protest, having the camera pan in on the flyer. Phil threatens to suspend Elizabeth, but she counters by telling him she knows exactly how much money it will cost him, and she's prepared to pay the crew during her suspension. Phil storms off in anger.

At the protest, Elizabeth and the huge crowd of people chant peacefully until the police arrive. The protesters stay silent but do not disperse as they were asked. The police begin to arrest protesters, viciously attacking several members of the protest. Elizabeth, one of the only white protesters, watches as Harriet and Charlie are both arrested.

Harriet and Charlie are both released and have an emotional conversation on their front steps, both worried they're going to lose each other to senseless violence. They reassure each other tearfully that everything will be okay.

At Elizabeth's, she's listening to Mad read when she decides to talk to her daughter about Calvin. Elizabeth says that she's learned not talking about the people she misses makes it harder, and invites Mad to ask any questions about Calvin and share what she's found. As Mad shares what she's found about Calvin, Elizabeth shares some of her brother John's things, as well.

The following day, Mad brings a letter into Reverend Wakley's office and shares what she's discovered. Upon reading it, the reverend is shocked, asking Mad if her father is Calvin Evans.

Lessons in Chemistry
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