Seeking Boo'ya Moon - Lisey's Story
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Upon entering Scott's office, Lisey discovers a threatening voicemail from Dooley. Then he creeps up behind her and puts a plastic bag over her head. She passes out. Lisey comes to find herself bound. He shows her his Captain Black promotional yo-yo and does some tricks. He talks about "The Coaster's Daughter," his favorite of Scott's novels. Lisey stands and calls Dooley a thief. He headbutts her. Dooley accuses Lisey of holding back secret unpublished works by Scott. Then he beats her. She passes out again. Dooley prepares to leave, saying that if he doesn't her from Dashmiel by 10 the next night, he'll hurt her worse. Then he slashes her badly with a pizza cutter. In Boo'ya Moon, Amanda hears Lisey screaming. Dooley drives to Amanda's house and has a snack. Dooley leaves a note threatening to kill Lisey's sisters if she tells anyone what he did. Lisey remembers her first trip to Boo'ya Moon with Scott. Darla arrives at Amanda's house while Dooley is still there. She packs a bag, including her gun. While dozing by her pool, Lisey sees Scott, then the band that played at their wedding. When Lisey awakes, she recalls visiting Amanda when she was concerned with Scott's behavior. Amanda described how she feels when she goes catatonic. Lisey also remembers her second trip with Scott to Boo'ya Moon, when he explained that the people there are broken. They got chased by the monstrous Long Boy. After they return home, Scott talked of taking Paul there to heal in the pool. It appears that both Amanda and Scott in the real world may be doubles. Scott always said that Lisey was a natural when it came to travelling to Boo'ya Moon. So she decides to go there to heal and to learn more about it.

Lisey's Story
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Lisey's Story Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Lisey: Fuck you, Jimmy.
Dooley: Now, Mrs., that isn't a bit nice.

It seems you don't get how serious this business is although I think a dead crow in the mailbox would be pretty hard to misunderstand.

Dooley [to Lisey]