Finding the Truth - Manifest
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Michaela is told she's allowed out for the day to help Jared find Joe's son.

She's shocked, but realizes she's been bugged and has a debate about what the people have done to everyone she loves.

They go to jewelers and try to find out answers from a vision and the man gets cagey.

Michaela and Jared call Cal who manages to enter Joe's calling to crack the case.

Michaela and Jared rush back inside the store and find the kid is part of a trafficking ring.

Jared vows to help him through a tough situation.

Ben is in a trance, writing messages on the wall. Saanvi realizes he's drew a map of the compound and that it's leading them all somewhere.

They find Captain Daly, who has been heavily sedated. They wake him up but he's unable to speak.

Ben and Saanvi have to run away from an inspection and they have to fake a kiss because they hear someone coming.

Angelina is hanging around with different people but she's realized that Cal is the person she's most connected to and goes out of her way to try to find him.

Cal warns her to stay away from him.

Cal goes to the apple orchard and finds a body in there.

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Manifest Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Angelina: For me? Thank you.
Girl: Cheers. What's wrong with your hand?
Angelina: Mmm. There's nothing wrong with it. In fact, it's very right. It shows I've been chosen by God.
Girl: Like you're special?
Angelina: Mm-hmm.
Girl: If you're so special, why are you here?
Angelina: ( sighs ) 'Cause I'm waiting for him to send me a sign. And yesterday, for the first time in a long time, he did. He made my hand glow. God needs me again. Girl: Needs you for what?
Angelina: To prepare for the day of judgment. Final trial by fire.

Zeke: I wish I could tell you everything that's gonna happen, Mick.
Michaela: Tell me.
Zeke: I can't. If I tell you about the future, it'll change your decisions. I can't risk messing with your free will.