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In a last ditch effort to win back the heart of Jasmine, Crosby sells his houseboat and buys a house that needs a lot of work. Adam is still not ready to forgive Crosby his transgressions.

Julia is have a far more difficult time with the news that she cannot have another child than she lets on, and tries to engage Sydney in many mother/daughter activities to make up for her loss.

Haddie asks Alex to the prom and they arrange for a date for Amber so they can go as a foursome.

Adam's only concern is that Haddie may decide to have sex at the prom. Kristina reminds him that they can have sex at any time.

Amber tells Sarah she is no longer willing to live the live her mom wants her to live because it didn't work out, and she will start making her own decisions about her future.


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Parenthood Season 2 Episode 20 Quotes

Mom, this is exactly why I didn't tell you. I'm not ready to make a plan on what to do next. I'm not ready to think about it that way. I'm feeling vulnerable and upset and sensitive about it and I don't want advice or ideas right now. I just want you to listen and I just can't talk to you about it yet this way because I'm still too hurt, okay?


I didn't get into Berkeley.
