Revenge Editorials

Revenge: 10 Years Later

Revenge: 10 Years Later

ABC's Revenge premiered a decade ago on this day. To mark the anniversary, some of our writers got together to chat about the show. Find out what we discussed!
Posted in: Revenge
Revenge Sequel: Who Needs to Return?

Revenge Sequel: Who Needs to Return?

A Revenge sequel is officially in the works, and it has been revealed that at least one original cast member will be back. Here's our list of who needs to return.
Posted in: Revenge

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
