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A local car salesman, Alan Markham, is arrested and taken into custody after the police learn of his association with an organized gang of international car thieves.

Markham, a family friend of the West’s, was scared after a tip from Wolf West.

Cheryl really is trying to go straight.

Heather gets a new job as a waitress at the Sparkle Club which is a strip club. Cheryl went through the roof when she found out that her daughter is working there, but Heather assured her that she is just a waitress, not a stripper.

Logan West, the “clean one,” is finally living up to his last name. Apparently he had to tell a little fib to get that job at the law firm.

Because his bosses think he is part Cahuilla Native American, he has been put in charge of handling a case for the tribe.

He’s even enlisted his bratty little sister, Hope, to teach him how to speak the language.

When Logan finally cracks the case, his colleague, Hugh, steals it so he can steal the credit.

Logan asks Cal, Cruz, and Billy to break into Hugh’s apartment and get the briefcase with the evidence while he distracts Hugh with a few too many Tequila shots.

Hugh has a video camera to make home movies with.

Cheryl went to see Wolf and is peeved at him for ratting out a friend.

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