Working With the Enemy - Silo
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Juliette is looking through the files on George and realizes that he said he acted alone during his time breaking the law.

A porter arrives at her door with news of Marnres' death and a summon to his residence.

When she arrives, Billings is there and he's already been installed as his replacement.

Bernard and Sims now concede that someone was trying to kill him, which is what he had been saying prior to his death.

Juliette is struggling because she knows there's more going on than she's privy to and that there's a target on her back.

She sneaks off to search a residence and finds that Patrick Kennedy is being put in the frame, with the photo of Jahns and the rat poison being there.

She hides him but it seen leaving the apartment.

Billings tells her that the judicial are going ahead with their plan of action. She rushes off when Billings tells her to find someone with another name, realizing she's being tricked.

Sandy says she has a message for her but Juliette isn't interested. Sandy tells her the message was a ruse and she wanted to know what happened.

Juliette confides in her so she then rushes off to try to complete her mission but she spots Doug at the apartment and gives chase.

She chases him through the parade and there are people in their way, but he throws her over.

As she grips on for dear life, he pushes her and she manages to break his fingers. Someone notices what's happening and helps her back over.

Doug goes to Sims, who tells him he's made some errors. Sims tells him about his father being a janitor and when someone made fun of it, his father managed to do something about it.

When he asks Doug to swear allegiance to him, he throws him over.

Juliette goes back down to mechanical and Martha is annoyed she's putting herself in harm's way.

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Silo Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

I'm only gonna be mayor for a few months, so I'm gonna try to drink as much of Mayor Jahns's liquor as I can.


Bernard: I'm guessing he had his skull crushed in with the butt of his own shotgun. It couldn't have been easy. Marnes was made of iron, anger and spite.
Juliette: Who are you?
Sims: This is Paul Billings. He's your...
Juliette: Oh. That's the guy you wanted to be sheriff.
Sims: He's your new Chief Deputy.
Juliette: The old one's not even cold.