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It's the morning after Megan spent the night with Xavier.

Megan gets a text from DeAnn that she can get her out of the problem. Xavier goes with her and stays out of sight.

DeAnn tells Megan that she was responsible for arranging everything with Kyle.

Terence and Kyle are at the house talking about the disappearance of Julie and Aaron. Terence confronts Kyle about Megan and choosing her over him. DeAnn shows up and tells them she has Megan and she's getting ready for the wedding. Whatever DeAnn told Megan might be a lie as she tells Terence that Megan bought everything.

The wedding begins. Terence is officiating.

It's a complete IHM freak ceremony. They are married. They ave their first dance.

Kyle and Megan are headed home when Megan gets picked up by Leslie. She's left the marriage. She returns the next day with the wedding dress. She apologizes for her behavior and talks about the future.

Kyle gives Megan a contract that she can sign to get her out of the arrangement. Kyle is not into having a fake relationship. He thinks they can be a couple again. Megan is sick of the lies. To her, this is over.

Terence and DeAnn talk about Megan's behavior. Terence wants to kill Megan.

DeAnn and Megan meet. DeAnn is going ot set up a meeting with Megan for the future film she wants Megan to star in. Kyle is having flashbacks about everything. He's very upset. Kyle makes a phone call to talk with someone.

Terence and DeAnn plan the murder. Things move into place.

Kyle is on his way somewhere. he's followed by a mass of cameras while DeAnn and Terence head to the hotel where they'll be meeting Megan.

Kyle is at the reporter's suite -- the one who did a documentary on IHM.

Terence and DeAnn go over the plan to kill her. They're going to make it look like a suicide. Is DeAnn going to go through with it? Megan is on her way to the hotel. DeAnn is getting cold feet and tells Terence they can bow out of it. Megan knocks on the door. She really goes to June's hotel. DeAnn tells Terence that Megan's not coming that it was all a setup. She recorded the murder plans.

DeAnn makes demands. 

Kyle is giving his interview. He's telling the truth.

Megan goes to Terence's office. They come to an agreement. They're even.

Megan meets with DeAnn. They're going to form a production company with Leslie.

Shaun and Megan meet up. Shaun tells Megan she moved Julie and Aaron. She's all in on IHM and tells Megan she could have ruined everything.

The reporter lady tells Kyle she has a photo of Kyle and Xavier together the morning of their wedding. And a photo of her arriving at Xavier's house. Kyle is not happy and throws a chair through a window in anger.

Terence introduces VITA - the life extender to his IHM people. Shaun is there by his side. 

Megan returns home and tells Kyle about what Shaun told her.  Kyle tells her he did an interview with Iris telling her everything about Aaron. Kyle asks Megan about Xavier and tells Megan she's getting an arrangement based on his terms. 




The Arrangement
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The Arrangement Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Kyle, I came back for the wedding. I didn't come back for our relationship.


We did it.
