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On the third episode of the new season of The Bachelorette, DeAnna Pappas had two one-on-one dates and a group date. Richard (the science guy) and Jason (the single dad) were chosen for the one-on-ones.

Richard's date was first, and he was the first sent home. He was really into her, but the feeling wasn't mutual.

The group date was fun - Wild West style!

The guys learned to line dance and then they rode on a mechanical bull. Jesse did the best. Then it was DeAnna's turn.

She decided to play a little trick on the guys and pretended to fall and get hurt.  She wanted to see who'd come to her aid and who'd just watch.

Jesse, again, was the star. He got to her aid first, and got some one-on-one time with her. DeAnna stirred the pot between Ron and Jeremy.

She confronted Ron about his interactions with Jeremy. Ron is no prince, but he was absolutely correct when he told her it was between him and Jeremy, and not her.

DeAnna seems to be really into Jeremy. She singles him out on every occasion.

This time, though, Fred and Graham decided that he'd had enough alone time with her and they hijacked her.

Robert also got some alone time and he made the best of it.

He told her that he felt a connection with her on the first date, but not since, and he wanted it back.

He must have made an impression, because he got the rose for that date and not Jeremy.

Then it was Jason's date time.

He was nervous because he knew that he needed to tell her about his son, Tyler. He finally did tell her about his divorce and being a single dad.

He told her that his ex-wife walked out on him and the boy; it wasn't his decision. He brought out the proud papa pictures and she was impressed by him. He also asked her about her mom and she said that he was the first guy to ask her about that.

She opened up to him more than she had before, she said. It was no surprise that he received a rose from the date.

DeAnna took all her guys to the set of the The Ellen DeGeneres Show. They had a dance-off and Ellen got to talk to them.

She told them that she was giving out the rose that day. Before giving out the rose, she talked to DeAnna about her impressions.

She liked Fred, thought Jeremy was the most ready to commit, said Jesse was the most fun, thought that Graham and DeAnna Pappas would have communication problems, and then told her that one of the guys wouldn't be there long...

Unfortunately, we weren't shown who she was pointing to when she said that. Then she made all the guys drop their pants and they were all wearing Ellen boxers! She told them that she was glad to be in their pants. Ha!

To my surprise, Ellen gave her rose to Fred. Wow, that means that Jeremy will have to move out of the house and go live with the other guys.

That night at the cocktail party, DeAnna Pappas reconnected with Graham and they kissed
. She said that he was such a good kisser.

She also presented Jason with a certificate stating that she had a star named after Ty, his son!

She talked to Ron again, and it still didn't go well. At the Rose Ceremony, Ron and Canadian Paul were sent home.

The Bachelorette
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