Charlie The Waiter - The Company You Keep Season 1 Episode 2
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The Nicolettis canvas a pricey auction, as they look to steal from whoever buys a priceless diamond. After the Ellsworth's buy the necklace, Birdie discovers they were also the sellers of the necklace, meaning they repurchased it to launder money.

Daphne visits Maguire in jail and assures him that she can run the business.

Emma gets permission to plant a bug in Daphne's hotel room, believing Daphne is continuing Maguire's expansion efforts.

Charlie is late for his first date with Emma, and after awkward small talk, the two retreat to his truck to hook up. The hook-up is short-lived as Emma sees her brother's face on a passing truck, and Charlie is summoned to the bar to meet with Daphne.

At home, Emma gives her brother some advice on his low polling numbers as his mother scrambles to help his campaign. Later, David asks Emma to join his campaign as a strategist.

Daphne gives Charlie six days to get her some of the fifteen million.

Birdie gets Daphne's hotel information, and Charlie sneaks in to gather information on her. He finds a picture of her mother just before Emma sneaks in to plant her bug. The two then narrowly avoid running into each other.

They later hook up and argue when Emma refers to their dynamic as a rebound.

The Nicolletis devise a scheme in which Leo turns into Milo, a prominent photographer, and they con Mrs. Ellsworth into a photo shoot at her house, where they intend to steal the necklace and replace it with a fake. Once they realize they won't be able to touch the necklace, the team creates a scenario where the necklace is returned to the safe in the home, a fuse is blown, and Charlie is able to escape to the safe with an imprint of Claude Ellsworth's thumb, courtesy of Birdie.

Claude catches Charlie near the safe and kicks everyone out. It's then revealed that Charlie stuck the real necklace on the Ellsworth dog and takes it off him outside.

Emma confides in David about her real job.

Discovering that the necklace was already stolen and an heirloom others are looking for, Charlie brings it back to Claude and brings along The Washington Post, forcing Claude to pay him for the necklace or risk ruining his reputation.

Charlie pays Daphne the money.

The CIA and FBI collaborate on a bust once they get footage of Daphne setting up a meeting. But when they arrive to bust her, all they find is the bug Emma planted in the shipping container.

Charlie discovers that in the photo of Daphen's mother, she's in Ireland and deduces that she is Maguire's daughter.

The Company You Keep
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The Company You Keep Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Fran: That's our corrupt buyer?
Charlie: Oh, come on. Don't judge a crook by their cover, Mom.

Charlie: We're knocking off cartels now?
Fran: Well, as long as we're in the hole for fifteen million.
Birdie: Hey guys, stealing for other people sucks.