Emma Tends To Charlie - The Company You Keep Season 1 Episode 10
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As Leo talks about potentially selling the bar, the Nicolettis see the car bombing on the news, which prompts Charlie to head to the hospital, believing the unidentified woman in critical condition could be Emma.

David and Emma check on Jenn when Emma gets a message from Cas to meet her at the hospital, and he tells her he's being tailed and to watch her back.

Outside the hospital, Charlie worries for Emma and tells her he wants to help bring down the Maguires. She tells him the CIA is tailing her, and they pretend to be together so they can work together in Charlie's apartment.

Patrick is pissed off at Connor regarding the botched car bomb.

Daphne meets Emma and Charlie at his apartment, where they develop the plan to get the Maguires. Emma gets Singh to trust her again, so the FBI will be there watching the gun exchange, while Daphne scares Maguire about Connor enough to where he decides to go to the exchange himself.

Mason sees Daphne, Emma, and Charlie all enter the bar and calls Emma out. Emma then tells Mason what's going on.

Leo and Fran tell Frankie they're willing to sell the bar. But Ollie finds broachers in Frankie's bag that show he's trying to raze the street and lying to him. Charlie then tells them they can get over on Frankie in conjunction with the plan he has going with Emma and Daphne.

Emma and Charlie talk, with Emma apologizing to him, before the two hook up.

The following day, Emma and Charlie slip the CIA tail with help from Birdie and Simon.

Leo and Fran sign the papers to sell the bar and take the investors and Frankie to get food near the docks where the meeting for the guns is taking place.

Patrick sends Daphne to the exchange, but he changes the location after she leaves. At the meeting with the real Wilford, Charlie tells them about the con he played on the train. Maguire then leads them all to the container where the guns are being held, positive that Charlie has played another scam on him.

But at the container, the guns are found to be there, and the FBI raids the meeting, resulting in a shoot-out.

Eventually, Maguire catches Emma once she shows up, but Charlie stops him. Maguire shoots Charlie in the chest, where he's wearing a vest, before being killed by nearby snippers.

Jenn wakes up, and David discovers he is winning the senate election.

Frankie tells Fran and Leo that the investors backed out and are no longer purchasing the bar.

Emma wants to keep working with Charlie, but he tells her they are on opposite sides of the line and can't work together or be together.

David speaks to a crowd outside the hospital, vowing to be a one-term senator who gets things done.

Jenn receives a call from her mother, revealing she is playing David.

Emma quits the CIA. And she, Mason, and Cas form a covert unit they will fund with the money she stole from the Maguire bust.

Charlie and Emma met at the bar, and it's revealed they are still working together, albeit informally.

The Company You Keep
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The Company You Keep Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Charlie: Why is your own agency following you?
Emma: Because they'd rather protect the Maguires than protect one of their own.

David: Am I allowed to ask who's trying to kill my sister?
Emma: I promise, I'll make them pay for what they did to you both.