The Raven - The Fall of the House of Usher Season 1 Episode 8
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Verna talks to Roderick, telling him the estimated number of people Fortunato had killed.

Lenore refuses to lie to the police when Pym asks.

The board wants Madeline to take over as they push Roderick out.

Roderick remembers how he took the children from Annabel.

In the past, Annabel leaves Roderick.

Madeline and Roderick attend a Fortunato New Year's Eve party where Madeline drugs and lures Rufus into the basement.

They brick him inside a wall with a mask on.

They want to take over the company by convincing the board that Rufus ran away.

They plan their alibis.

In Verna's bar, after it has been closed, Verna offers them a deal.

She will give the Ushers everything, but Roderick's bloodline will end with him.

Madeline and Roderick accept.

When they walk out of the bar, it disappears.

Roderick tells Dupin that they forgot about it and continued their lives.

Verna sets Pym up and reveals his darkest secrets. She offers him a deal, but he refuses.

Lenore tells Roderick to let Fortunato go.

Verna visits the last remaining Usher and tells Lenore how the future plays out. Lenore dies when Verna touches her.

Roderick tells Dupin that Madeline's bot had made a digital copy of Lenore, who had been texting him all night.

Madeline and Roderick share the final drink before Verna takes them, and Madeline gives a passionate monologue about how the world contradicts itself.

Roderick drugs Madeline with a paralyzing agent and uses her Egyptian hook to mummify her by gorging her brain and eyes.

After he narrates to Dupin, Madeline walks out and chokes him to death. The house starts collapsing, and Dupin makes out in time before it caves.

Pym is arrested and convicted.

Juno inherits the empire and dissolves it. She weans herself off Ligodone.

Dupin drops his investigation.

He pays Roderick's grave one final visit.

Verna returns some items to the graves of the Usher family.

The Raven takes flight.

The Fall of the House of Usher
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The Fall of the House of Usher Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

And the fucking people, the fucking people out there, Roderick. You don't want Ligodone, don't buy it, you don't want to get addicted, don't abuse it. They're mad because we made it available and desirable. Hey, newsflash, it's our only fucking job. These people. They want an entire meal for $5 in five minutes then complain when it's made of shit and plastic. McDonald's would serve nothing but kale salad all day and all night long if that's what people fucking ate. It's available, no one buys it.


Madeline: We will get around to funding AIDS research, and diabetes, and heart disease, just as soon as we figure out how to keep our geriatric dicks harder for a few more minutes. What's the market share on wimpy dicks, Roderick?
Roderick: 60-70% of the healthcare industry.
Madeline: The Pentagon spent $83 million on Viagra last year. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court,vthe fucking Supreme Court does its part, tears the autonomy, rips the liberty away from women, shreds not just their choice but their future, their potential. We turn men into cum fountains and women into factories, cranking out, what, an impoverished workforce, there for the labor and to spend what little they make consuming. And what do we teach them to want? Houses they can't afford. Cars that poison the air. Single-serve plastics, clothes made by starving children in third world countries, and they want it so bad that they're begging for it, they're screaming for it, they're insisting upon it. And we're the problem? These fucking monsters, these fucking consumers, these fucking mouths. They point at you and me like we're the problem. They fucking invented us. They begged for us, they're begging for us still. So I say, we stand tall and proud, brother.