In the Hot Seat - The Handmaid's Tale
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All of the other handmaid's, with the exception of OfMatthew, seem pleased to know that baby Nichole has escaped to Canada, and is being taken care of by June's husband. Finally having had enough of her sanctimonious attitude, June offers a few choice words to OfMatthew. June continues to try to make progress with Commander Lawrence, still not certain what side of the fence he is on, she sets her sights on his wife, Eleanor. Fred takes June's advice, and makes a big step towards reconciling with Serena by including her in what is supposed to be a male dominated meeting. It remains to be seen if consequences will follow Fred's decision, as the other Commanders were none too pleased when Serena entered the room. Following a plea from Serena, June agrees to call Luke to arrange a meeting between Serena and Nichole. Luke agrees, but only if Serena comes alone. The meeting between them was tense, with Luke not sheilding his anger and disgust with Serena, and the situation they are in. We see the return of Mr. Tuello who is still trying to convince Serena to leave Gilead behind. It appears Serena has had an unfortunate change of heart after her trip, as the episode ends with The Waterford's filming a televised plea to Canada for the return of baby Nichole. 

The Handmaid's Tale
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The Handmaid's Tale Season 3 Episode 5 Quotes

June: Blessed day, Commander.
Commander Lawrence: The answer is no. You want something. I can tell.
June: I just need to know if my husband is safe.
Commander Lawrence: I don't know. Does he use a seat belt? Does he watch his blood pressure? That's the silent killer, you know.
June: They know where he is now. They know he has my daughter.
Commander Lawrence: And isn't that what you wanted?
June: Do you think they would try to hurt him?
Commander Lawrence: They?
June: Do you think he's in danger?
Commander Lawrence: We're all in danger.

Fred: I thought this is what you wanted. Our daughter's safe. In Canada.
Serena: I'm grateful.
Fred: But? Help me understand. What is it that you want?
Serena: I want to be with her, but that's impossible. I just want this to be over.