The Old Pope and The New Pope
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The new pope meets with Marilyn Manson.

He suggests that Pope John go meet Pope Pius even though he's in a coma. Marilyn was confused about who was who.

There's a party and Pope John gives a speech about love and pedophile priests.

Cardinal Spalletta speaks with Pope John privately about their youth.

The finance director wants to resign. Voiello says no. He tells them that the nuns are on strike.

Voiello gives the nun the money, but the nuns now want respect and more rights. Voiello says they'll learn how to iron their own robes and then before he dismissed them makes them kiss his ring. 

One of the nuns talks to John Paul and tells him they are seeking respect.

Voiello tells one of his minions to monitor the nuns, especially Lisette.

When he sees the pope, the pope asks about the nuns.

The pope tells them he wants to see Pope Pius and Sofia thinks of a way to spin it.

On the way to the hospital, the pope is given some publicity.

Pope John talks to the doctor about Lenny. When he leaves, he's greeted by many. The girl in red, Lenny supporter, refuses to kiss his ring and whispers something in his ear. She doesn't like him.

When he gets back to the Vatican, he is upset.

Spalleta is made personal secretary.

The finance priest tells Voiello about everything they discovered spying on the nuns.

Voiello meets with Lisette and she makes demands. He tells them that if they want wifi back, they need to stop their strike.

The Vatican government threatens the Church with a tax. Spalletta comes up with a plan.

Guiterrez has a rendevous with a young man, and then goes to John Paul.

As Guiterrez is confessing, John Paul fantasizes about Sofia.

Then John Paul makes a confession to Guiterrez.

Esther has sex with the guy she refused before.

The lady in red holds a vigil. 

Lenny makes more movement. 



The New Pope
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The New Pope Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Seeing you around all these men makes me swell with pride.


Many, far too many, members of the clergy believe that love is an infinite meadow, and they're allowed to pick all the flowers they want. But they are not picking flowers. They are ripping plants from the earth and assuring, by their actions, that in the scorched and barren soil they've defiled, nothing more will ever grow.

Pope John