Watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 7 Episode 20 online now to see what happens when Phaedra Parks and Kenya Moore have their chat.

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On The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 7 Episode 20, Phaedra Parks and Kenya Moore sit down to talk. Watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta online now to see what transpires in their chat. Will these women be able to move forward despite all which has happened between them? They certainly hope so. Time will tell if it's actually possible.

The women take a horseback ride up a mountain to the top of a volcano. Along the way, someone sells them ponchos. At the top, they hit golf balls into a crater. You know, as one does. On their ride down, Phaedra learns that her tour guide's husband died recently leaving her a single mother to five children. She gives the woman a generous tip and says it's from her heart. This makes up for the fact that Phaedra wore a fanny pack.

While shopping, the women try durian fruit, which is probably one of the most disgusting smelling fruits in existence, if not the most. It's truly dreadful. Phaedra says it smells like old drawers and onions and she's not wrong. Porsha laments the fact that they're not shopping at Tom Ford.

Oh well.

Episode Details

On The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 7 Episode 20, the ladies visit a volcano and have a spicy pajama party while visiting the Phillipines.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta
Episode Number: