On The Road - The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 2
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The gang is debating where to go. Daryl is adamant about switching up the plan and going to Paris.

Isabelle is against it for many reasons, we don't know why. As they're walking, an arrow flies out of the distance and almost hits them.

Daryl chases a group and they overpower him. It's teenagers. They take him to their leader, Mindy.

Isabelle says their religious and Daryl is a priest on a mission from America. Mindy reveals that they've tried to keep all of the kids safe and some semblance of normalcy.

One of them is missing and they're in dire need of supplies. Daryl offers to help them but locks Mindy up because he works better alone.

He finds the boy and the supplies. He's being held by an American named RJ who still believes America is safe.

Daryl balks at him, takes the supplies and embarks on a mission back to Mindy. But the cart knocks everything over into zombies and Daryl is left fighting for his life as the man dies.

Mindy and another teen arrive in the nick of time to save him. Daryl has the supplies they need.

Mindy worries about how to go on when the last teacher dies and Daryl tells her to keep doing what she's been doing.

They continue on their mission.

In flashbacks, we learn that Isabelle was robbing rich men of their watches the night the outbreak started.

When she tried to get home, zombies appeared from all over. Quinn arrived in the nick of time to save her.

She wants to go home to get a change of clothes and Lily. Quinn waits for her and they get ready to leave, but Lily is sick.

Quinn says they can't leave with her so they'll have to take her somewhere and run off.

Isabelle steals his keys and they rush off, leaving Quinn behind.

They find an ambulance but it's overrun by zombies and happen upon a monastery. Lily has been bitten and finds herself locked up as she's about to give birth.

She dies and gives birth as a zombie. Isabelle takes the baby out of the room and looks at a statue of St. Laurent before landing on his name.

In the present, Laurent does not want to leave because there are people his age there, but Isabelle tells him he has a higher purpose.




The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon
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The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Isabelle: There's a man there with a radio. He can connect us to our people in the North.
Daryl: Paris is circled, just like it was up on the priest's wall. I mean, that's the plan right there.
Isabelle: The plan has changed.

Isabelle: Did you used to watch that TV show?
Daryl: Yeah, me and my brother used to watch it. When we were young. We loved that show. Used to make everything just a little bit better, you know?
Isabelle: I understand. Wanting to escape.