7 Things We'd Love to See on Grimm Season 4

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Here are seven things we hope to see in Grimm season 4! Click around now!

1. More Sergeant Wu

Reggie Lee's Wu steals pretty much every scene he's in with his dry, witty one-liners. Wu came close to discovering the truth about Wesen when he was assaulted by an Aswang in "Mommy Dearest," but Nick and Hank managed to convince him he'd imagined it. In the finale, however, he saw a picture of a Lausenschlang in one of Nick's Grimm diaries - how long will it be before he finally puts it all together? Everyone's rooting for Wu, so here's to hoping that he gets to be on the level with Nick and company for once.

2. Shirtless Rage

Given Renard's state at the end of last season, I'd say that there's a pretty good chance that we'll see him shirtless again in episode 401, "Thanks for the Memories". Twitter will, of course, light up with #shirtlessrage once again. I challenge you as fans to count the number of times this season someone ends up shirtless - double points if it's Sasha Roiz!

3. Sasha Roiz speaking foreign languages

I just love listening to the French trip off Sasha Roiz's tongue like that.

4. Bring on the new Wesen, but remember the old

We've already seen several all-new Wesen released in the promotional material for season 4, and it's looking good! That said, Grimm shouldn't turn into a parade of new Wesen every week. We already have a large number of Wesen out there, from the Blutbaden to the Fuchsbau to the Hundjager. Let's not forget about them, too!

5. Let Adalind stand up for herself and stop being used

For pretty much the entire series, Claire Coffee's Adalind has been manipulated by one character or another for their own ends: Renard, Frau Pech, Stefania the Gypsy Queen, Prince Viktor... Even Nick and his friends are guilty of it. Let's see Adalind stop being such a tool of other people this season.

6. More of Juliette being awesome instead of a drag

Juliette isn't exactly one of the most popular characters on Grimm - she's been seen as frustratingly clueless, annoying, whiny, and essentially a giant cinderblock around Nick's neck. That said, it was totally awesome when she smacked the Klaustreich in the face with a frying pan in "Eyes of the Beholder." Let's see more of that Juliette and less of the jealous girlfriend.

7. Bring on the Grimms!

We've met a few Grimms, but they've all been rogues of one sort or another. It's time we met one of the mercenary Grimms in the service of the Royals. Just wait for Nick and this other Grimm to circle around each other like angry cats! Let's see what truly gives Wesen nightmares about the coming of the Grimms.

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Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
