A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene Promo #1

A promo for "A Hand to Take Hold of the Scene" from the sixth season of One Tree Hill.

Classic 30 Rock Quotes

Some of the best scenes from NBC's 30 Rock to date.

30 Rock Season 2 Quotes

Some classic Season Two quotes from NBC's 30 Rock.

All About the Ripple Effect Webclip

A clip from "All About the Ripple Effect" when Megan goes to find Lily at work and the always hilarious Dale (Leslie Jordan) informs her that she's off on her honeymoon with Sammy!

All About Overcompensating Clip

A clip from the upcoming episode of Privileged, "All About Overcompensating," in which Megan and Will discuss their kiss and what it means for their future.

Perez Hilton on Privileged Clip

A clip of Perez Hilton's guest starring role on Privileged. He course played himself and the twins' publicist Patricia introduces them to Perez because he can make or break celebrities. Or so she claims.

All About Insecurities Clip

A clip from tonight's episode, "All About Insecurities," in which Megan talks to Will about his job. Billionaires need jobs? I'm confused.

Anne Archer Interview

CW Connect interviews with Anne Archer, who plays the grandmother Laurel Limoges on the show. People ask her what people can relate to on the show and what her favorite part it.

Lucy Kate Hale Interview

CW Connect recently interviewed Lucy Kate Hale who plays Rose Baker on the show. Lucy talks about her singing, music, favorite books, and funny things that happen on set. We sure hope she gets a chance to pursue her singing career!

Ashley Newbrough Interview

We have an interview with Ashley Newbrough by CW Connect. Ashley plays Sage Baker on the show and they ask her what music and books she likes and what she does what her free time. Wow she definitely seems like a much sweeter girl than her character!

Brian Hallisay interview

Brian Hallisay who plays Will on the show. Brian talks about what he likes to do off camera, how he gets along with Michael Cassidy in real life, and fun things the set.

Allan Louis Interview

CW Connect posts an interview with Allan Louis, who plays the chef Marco. Allan talks about cooking, singing on the set, his favorite music and his dream guest star. We love this guy on and off the set!