Kamar de Los Reyes Grateful for One Life To Live

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Kamar de Los Reyes has been on One Life To Live for almost 12 years.

The actor recently said he was thrilled to arrive in the imaginary town of Llanville more than a decade ago.

Kamar de Los Reyes Image

"I became a part of the first _ of one of the only Latino families on daytime television, on all of network television... And I'm not talking about just Latino families portrayed in sitcoms. I'm talking about a real Latino, a real Puerto Rican family who dealt with real-life issues.

I was extremely and continue to be extremely proud of that. I always felt extremely lucky and blessed and to this day am very grateful for that opportunity as a Latino, considering, you know, one tenth of a percent of Latino actors get that opportunity. And I was one of them."

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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One Life To Live Quotes

Antonio: What would you call that, Jessica?
Jessica: Doing what I have to do. Mitch has hurt my family in every way possible and I want to make sure that not only does he pay, that he never hurts my family again.
Antonio: Oh yeah? Well, not tonight you're not.

Natalie: Everything's going to be fine, guys. Just - just do what he says.
Flash: How can you be so calm?
Natalie: I don't know if I am calm, okay? I just - I've been through worse.
Flash: Yeah? Like what?
Natalie: Oh, like being strapped to a table and your grandfather ready to cut your heart out.
Flash: Oh. Yeah, you got me beat, then. Never mind