In Plain Sight Season Premiere Review: Everything's Changing

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In Plain Sight is back for its fourth season and I've missed the straight talk, the sarcasm, and the quick wit of these characters over the long hiatus.

Mary Shannon claims she's adept at change. Ha! As "The Art of the Steal" has everyone around Mary changing, she's fighting it tooth and nail.

Faber's gone despite their romantic sunset vacation last season.

Apparently thanks to Mary's encouragement he decided to give it another go with his ex. This leads Marshall to point out that Mary prefers a known situation even if it is deeply flawed rather than subject herself to something new that has a better shot at working out.

Art of the Steal

Is Marshall talking about himself in that scenario?

It looks like he's still wounded from Mary running off with Faber. His claws were out when he ran down the list of Mary's past loves and he couldn't help the dig at her being willing to "drop jeans" with almost anyone if it's short term.

I know Mary uses the term first when talking about Marshall's new girlfriend Abigail but it sounds so much harsher coming from Marshall.

Abigail is the anti-Mary.  She's perky and sweet and feminine. Yet, for some reason I still like her. Perhaps it's that she still comes across as darn good at her job and she truly seems to care for Marshall.

The changes certainly don't stop with Marshall. Jinx has moved out and still has a steady job and Brandi's life appears to be on track.

She's engaged to Peter and working at his dealership. Her life is stable and she's happy but when cars are stolen from the lot, Mary immediately thinks Brandi is guilty.

Mary may desperately want her sister to be innocent but she just can't let herself believe it. She is so used to being let down, especially by her family that it's almost impossible for her to see how much Brandi has changed.

For as much as Riley calls Brandi a ditz, and granted the post it note password isn't her finest hour, she got a few things right. She takes her engagement ring off at work because men will be more likely to buy a car from her if they think she's single and she realizes that Peter may eventually resent her if she comes between him and his parents. Little by little it looks like Brandi is growing up.

I think Mary Shannon is in for some tough times ahead. If this season premiere is any indication, it appears that changes are headed her way. What does the protector do when there's no one left to protect?  At least where Mary's concerned, I'm sure it won't be boring.

The Art of the Steal Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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In Plain Sight Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Marshall: Your claws are showing.
Mary: They don't retract.

F.I.S.T. Those Fugitive Investigative Strike Team guys know how to pick a sexy acronym.
