Dillon Casey Teases Nudity, Return of Nikita

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In case you weren't excited enough for the return of Nikita next Friday, consider: Dillon Casey will get nearly naked on the episode.

So the actor told me over the phone recently, hyping the first new installment of 2012 as one in which viewers find Sean shirtless, pantless, wet, sandy and "possibly tied up."

While that image may entice many fans, Casey said the episode actually focuses mostly on Alex.

"She will discovery sketchy things about her family that she didn't expect," the actor told me, describing almost every scene in "Pale Fire" as "tense" and revealing and adding that "loyalties on all sides will be questioned."

What is Sean's mindset amidst the chaos to come?

"He's conflicted," Casey said. "He needs to make some serious decisions about where he stands and he needs to hear Nikita's side of things to figure everything out."

Casey has been a popular addition to the show on season two, but don't ask him Sean's fate. The star said he has no idea, as crew members continue to joke with him about not signing an apartment lease in Toronto, where Nikita films. His character could be a goner on any episode.

"It would be nice if I'm still alive a month from now," he laughed. "So I can at least make some real life decisions about where I'm living and everything."

Nikita returns with a new episode on January 6. Visit TV Fanatic soon after it airs for a complete review.

UPDATE: My mistake. This "naked" episode airs on January 13.

Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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