Lucifer Season 2: More Cocky, More Scared, Mum Is In Town!

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The Lucifer panel at San Diego Comic Con showed a little bit of what to expect fromĀ Lucifer Season 2 with this video today.

But first you're going to sit through a little bit of what came first.

The hightlight reel reminds fans how Lucifer operates.

The man from hell has a whole lotta charisma and charm, that's for sure.

That whole planting suggestions that are then carried forth really works well for him, too.

Lucifer left hell behind to to take a vacation in Los Angeles.

It's not as easy as he thought it would be, of course, and he's changing. Thus his need to see a therapist

How very Tony Soprano of him.

His trusty friend Maze knows that his new partner, Chloe Decker, is causing his vulnerability.

She's the one person on whom his powers have no effect.

At the end of Lucifer Season 1, he shared with his brother, Amenadiel, that someone has escaped hell in his absense.

Not just any, anyone. Their mother. Whoopsies!

The footage from this fall makes it look like our Lucifer is really going to be effective by the possiblity he'll meet him mom.

Wait until you see how he asks for a the time out. Hilarious!

He's still his cocky self around Chloe, of course.

Amenadiel wants to tell Chloe the truth about Lucifer (uh oh).

And his therapist, Linda, realizes Lucifer doesn't want to accept any of the blame about what happened to his mother.

So what DID happen with dear old mum?

The look on Lucifer's face when he finally comes in contact with her shows the story will be nothing short of incredible.

If you need to catch up, you can watch Lucifer online right here via TV Fanatic!

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Lucifer Quotes

Ladies and gentlemen, it looks like we're tracking a serial killer.


I hate it when people fight over me.
