Looking Back On The 100: Lee Majdoub on Nelson's Growth As A Leader, His Final Moments, and More!

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A man of his word, Nelson certainly was a character on a mission. 

From his dynamic introduction during The 100 Season 6 Episode 11, when he arrived on-screen to find out that he was following a false god, to his remarkable role throughout The 100 Season 7.

Nelson delivered a natural story of a follower on the verge of being a leader to those on the outside like him.

Lee Majdoub took on this character that was an extension of Gabriel's story and managed to develop him in a way that captivated the audience.

Nelson on a New Day - The 100 Season 7 Episode 12

It was impossible not to feel for Nelson's journey, one that was full of pain and wants and disappointment along the way. All he wanted was a place to belong, but he continued to get let down during his time in Sanctum.

But Nelson was still an example of a very human story, one that was rooted in moments of hope and with a courageous conclusion.

Nelson's time on The 100 landed him with one final choice; he could stick by his principals or give up control to Sheidheda. Speaking to the character's true essence, Nelson chose not to kneel, and neither did the other Children of Gabriel.

Nelson went out just like he came in, believing in his right to be free and not answer a false god. And in his own way, he didn't consider death to be the end, taking the freedom of having a choice to drive him until the end.

Nelson's Last Words - The 100 Season 7 Episode 12

Lee Majdoub delivered Nelson's final moments with immense strength; it was a reminder of who Nelson always wanted to be. It was an honor getting to spend that time getting to know Nelson because he really became one of the brightest spots of the final season of The 100. 

Taking some time out to answer our questions, Lee Majdoub shares his thoughts on Nelson's presence on The 100, the bonds he managed to make during his time in Sanctum, and the message that he hopes fans took from Nelson's last decision.

Lee also shared who he would have liked to see Nelson get more time with on his journey. 

What was it like being on a show like The 100?

It was a lot of fun. The 100, for me, was a show that I’d been hoping to get on for quite some time, living in Vancouver. I had auditioned for it early on a few times.

Having friends on there, like Richard Harmon, Sachin Sahel, Jarod Joseph, and all of them, it was one of those shows that I just wanted to get on. So, when it finally did happen, it was exciting for a lot of us on there.

And then the experience there was so much fun. It’s a great crew and a great cast. Richard, on my first day there, walked me through the studio and introduced me to some of the crew and everybody. So, it was a real easy set to come onboard to.

Can you say who else you auditioned for? What other scenarios could we have seen you in on the show?

I auditioned for the pilot. I actually auditioned for Jackson early on, and I'm so happy Sachin got it because he was great for that.

I auditioned for Chai’s character, Ilian. I've come to learn, being in this industry for so many years, that the roles that come to you you're meant to get, and the roles that you don't get weren't meant for you. So when I met Chai and saw what he did and I thought he was perfect for that role.  

When Nelson came along, I was like, “Oh, this feels good. This feels like I could do this one.” I read for one other character, but I can't quite remember which one it was. With The 100, the sides they give you are preexisting sides from past seasons. You have no idea what you're reading for. They give you a description of the character, but the scenes that you're doing in the audition are from past seasons.

This season we learned that Nelson's name is actually Sachin, which is familiar since Sachin Sahel plays Eric Jackson. What what was it like finding out that you were going to be a namesake for someone like that?

Nelson's Real Name - The 100 Season 7 Episode 12

It was so cool when I first read it, and it was really nice. I've known Sachin for years. Not only has he been on the show from the beginning, but he’s also done such a great job. On top of that, he's going to get a little bit of that acknowledgment from the creators and from the writing team of naming a character after him as well.

He’s a character that ends up being very important regarding their morals and what they stand up for. So it was really cool.

Nelson was introduced briefly during The 100 Season 6, and it was a wonderful surprise to see how much more of Nelson we got to see. Did you know, going into season six, that Nelson was here to stay and in such a big way down the line?

No, no, actually. I think I knew I had the three episodes in season six, and that was potentially going to be it for Nelson. I think he was potentially going die in the last episode, and then that was changed.

Nelson's Introduction  - The 100 Season 6 Episode 11

Then I had no idea what season seven was going to look like. And then coming back for episode one of season seven, Sanctum had the Eligius prisoners and had Wonkru and had the Children of Gabriel all there vying for a position.

Specifically, with the Children of Gabriel. They were searching for a home, searching for identity, just wanting to be acknowledged. So, we got to learn quite a bit about Nelson and episode one, which I wasn't expecting at all.

Through talking with Jason in the first episode, he gave me some insight into how he wanted to examine the Children of Gabriel and that he wanted to do that through Nelson. They wanted to tell more of their stories through Nelson.

There were some things they hadn't quite figured out yet with Nelson specifically, but they had an idea of where they wanted to go with it. But that didn't happen until season seven, coming into episode one.

Nelson's death scene was so powerful, and it was almost a full-circle moment. Did you know going into season seven that was where he was going to end up, or did you not have an idea and went with each script?

It was kind of script by script.

What was great about Nelson and what the writers and Jason were investigating with Nelson was: who is this guy? Where do his morals and his values lie, and how far is he willing to go? The nice thing with Nelson is that he's a very complex character.

There were some scenes at times where it was tough to figure out what to do with him because he's torn almost all the time.

Especially in the scene with Emori and Nikki, where it was described as the angel and the devil on each shoulder. He's being coaxed left and right in which way he was going to go.

As far as his death, I didn't know about it until towards the end. I kind of had an idea, but every episode that I would talk to the writers, they'd be trying to figure it out.

When they found out that they were going to do an episode where Sheidheda was telling people to kneel or die, they didn't quite know what Nelson was going to do. They still hadn't figured out if Nelson would kneel or if he would stand up to Sheidheda.

It was through chatting with different writers and Jason that I was learning more about Nelson, and they were learning more about Nelson. It was nice. We were all bringing something to the table. And it’s like the selfish actor in me where I want to make it to the end. I'm not asking to live in the end, but I want to make it through the end.

But then to see Nelson's journey and that death scene, I think it was the only way to give him and the Children of Gabriel their death. I think it was a good death. It was a great death for them and him.

It’s so heartbreaking, and it's so powerful, especially with what's going now in the world. I don't think we knew that it was going to mean what it did with what’s going on right now. It was hitting the nail right on the head.

Nelson started as a part of the Children of Gabriel, and then he had to find his way in Sanctum. He felt out different leaders such as Indra and Sheidheda. All of that built up to his last scene where he acted as a true leader who people naturally wanted to follow. What was it like for you to see his development as a leader throughout the season?

It was amazing because, in season six, he has the realization that the Xavier’s not there.

Nelson As Part of The Children of Gabriel - The 100 Season 6 Episode 12

It wasn't really written in, but when you try to figure out the character, you come up with your own little backstories here and there, or relationships with different characters, whether it's written or not.

So, to me, it was the moment that he realized that the Xavier's gone and that Gabriel has done something that he's always taught them to rise against. I think it was really, really tough for Nelson to go through, and then he also realizes that he needs to help his people.

And Gabriel kind of just leaves them behind. I liked the writing of Gabriel, but looking at it from the perspective of Nelson, he's one more person that's left them behind, as they were tossed out when they were children. This friend that he thought he had in Xavier wasn't there for as long as Nelson thought he had him, and then Gabriel, who's been their leader and who they've looked up to, has left them behind.

In a sense, I think he takes responsibility for having to look after Layla because maybe she's just like a little sister to him, and then he had to see her die in front of them. For Nelson, it's like, well, he’s got nothing to lose. He’s got to do something.

Nelson and Layla - The 100 Season 6 Episode 11

I like leaders that, that don't want to be leaders. I think they end up making the best ones -- the fact that you don't want it. It’s what Indra goes through as well when Murphy and Emori are talking about the Flame, being a commander. The fact that she doesn't want means that she's the right person to be seen in that light.

I think in the little time Nelson's trying, all he wants is just a place for his people. They’re like refugees. They don't belong anywhere. They're seen as less than.

I think for me, in the moments with Indra, Nelson was always seeking respect. When is Indra going to give Nelson that respect? The joke on set was: how many times is she going to tell Nelson, “Not now,” or “Sit down.” So, I think it’s beautiful when she tells him, “Yu gonplei ste odon.” Your fight is over.

I think ultimately, what he only wanted from her was just respect.

And then with ultimately Sheidheda, I think Nelson’s the only character that Sheidheda really respects at that moment. He even tells him he shows signs of a true leader, and so he's got to kill him.

Unfortunately, Gabriel and Nelson didn't get the chance to see one another again. We were waiting for it, especially because both of them grew quite a bit. Gabriel grew from the placeholder of being a false God, and Nelson moved away from following false gods. Do you think maybe Nelson's view of Gabriel shifted during his time in Sanctum?

To me, Gabriel was always on Nelson's mind, but I think he was always processing the teachings from Gabriel, and why did he do what he did? Why did he go into Xavier’s body? So I think there was always this element of distrust, as soon as that happened.

But I think ultimately he still believed in the teachings and that what Gabriel had to say was true. There was fact in that, and it gave them an identity and a reason for being. But I don’t know if it's any more than that.

Gabriel Drops Some News To Nelson - The 100 Season 6 Episode 11

I think there would have been forgiveness for sure had we had a story where the Children of Gabriel live on, they have their own place, and Gabriel comes back. I think there would have been an opportunity, and it would be nice to see Nelson and Gabriel sit down together and talk, where Gabriel truly explains to Nelson why he did what he did.

I don't think they ever really explained that to Nelson and the Children of Gabriel. We learned as an audience why Gabriel did what he did, but I don't think the Children of Gabriel ever get that explanation.

So they're left with, “Oh, he's our leader. Now he's gone off to confront Russell without us.” He’s going with all these plans that, Bellamy and Octavia came up with in season six. Gabriel’s gone off; he runs through that barrier, and he does his own thing.

And I think that was an element of Gabriel where he started to do his own thing, and that's the last that Nelson ever sees of them. So, I think there's a little bit of resentment and betrayal. But now there are all these other people, and if Nelson doesn't step up, there's nobody really that we've seen that could.

Nelson and The Other Men in Sanctum - The 100

It would've been nice to see them have that conversation and be able to talk it out – to get an understanding of what Gabriel did. And ultimately, maybe coming to an understanding, whether there was forgiveness or not. Maybe Gabriel wouldn’t be part of Gabriel’s Children anymore because he did walk away from it.

It would have been nice to get closure on their relationship as far as where they stand with each other.

Nelson’s time in Sanctum included him making some new relationships.  You’ve mentioned this previously, but it felt like working with Indra made Nelson trust her more and want her respect. What was it like exploring that respect that Nelson had towards Indra as he was trying to get her to respect him as well?

Indra is a powerhouse. What Adina brings to that role is amazing. She’s such a strong, powerful woman, so you see that in Indra, as well.

Nelson and Indra - The 100 Season 7 Episode 5

And in the first few scenes that they engage in, they just see each other. I think Nelson's always observant of what Indra does. And I think he respects her from the beginning. Whether he agrees with what she's doing or not is left unseen.

But I think there's respect there, and Nelson sees that she has a lot on her shoulders, especially because she takes over. At first, it's Clarke that’s making all these decisions and promising that Russell will die, and then he doesn't do that.

So then, Nelson starts wondering: are we going to do it? Everybody says they're going to do something, and then they don't do it. So, it's like who here does what they say they’re going to do?

With Indra, you see that she wants to do what she talks about, but she feels like her hands are tied. I do think there's a respect for her there.

Nelson Faces Off With Indra - The 100 Season 7 Episode 5

I think he wants so badly to belong, and he wants so badly to find a home, that he's relatively easy to manipulate at that moment when Nelson speaks with Sheidheda in that fight scene in the cell when he comes to kill Russell, but it’s not Russell.

There were questions there too because it felt like he was giving it a little bit too quickly to the idea that he's no longer my enemy. So, who's my enemy?

His whole life, he's been wanting to be wanted, wanting to belong, wanting to have an identity, and wanting to be equal. So, when you’re given that, in a sense, sometimes you overlook morals and how to go about it.

His whole life, he's been wanting to be wanted, wanting to belong, wanting to have an identity, and wanting to be equal. So, when you’re given that, in a sense, sometimes you overlook morals and how to go about it.

Another wonderful aspect of Nelson this season was your scenes with Luisa because Nelson and Emori connected over their past. Those scenes were powerful onscreen for the audience. And after that, Emori spent Nelson’s remaining time still looking out for him to the point where her last words to him were advice on how to stay alive. What was it like for you to explore that scene and their relationship?

It was so much fun to work with Luisa. We talked a lot about their relationship as soon as we knew that the story was going in that direction of uniting Emori and Nelson with regards to the similarities of their stories.

Emori figures out, “Oh, I know what I want to do here. I know how to be of service. I know how to help, what to do, and where my place is in Sanctum.” So, it’s a very powerful story.

What was lovely about their relationship is that after he tries to save the believer, I think that's where that spark ignites within Emori. She asks him, “Why did you try to save him even though they’re against you?” and he responds, “They’re still my people. They're still our people.” So, I think that's where the spark begins for her.

Nelson Talks to Emori - The 100 Season 7 Episode 3

Working the scenes with Luisa was so fantastic. She knows Emori and we explored the heart of their story as well.

What’s tough with Nelson within those scenes was I didn’t know where he was going to end up. I didn’t know the story of the next three episodes.

It was definitely about trying to figure out how do I play the middle ground where he does want to meet his parents, and he does want peace and to belong, but also he's fought for so long that it's almost hard to believe that it could happen that easily?

I think when she shows him her hand, that's a moment of trust. I don't know if he's ever had a conversation with someone like that where someone’s shown him something like that, besides the Children of Gabriel. I don't think anybody's given them the time of day.

Nelson and Emori Together - The 100 Season 7 Episode 7

If you think about it, the only two people, if I remember correctly, that have talked to Nelson like he's like he exists in that world, is Emori and Sheidheda. Nikki does a little bit, but she's clearly after a particular goal.

I think it goes back and shows you that in the final scene that they have, in Sheidheda’s perfect world, Nelson would have survived and served him.

You’re humanizing this villain, and it’s very interesting.  You assume that he has no emotion for other people, but that is true in terms of Nelson.

I don't know if it's true emotion or sociopathic or whatever you want to call it. That’s a conversation I had with JR Bourne. What he's done with that role is incredible – how it's evolved from Russell to Sheidheda.

Emori Shows Nelson Love and Respect - The 100 Season 7 Episode 7

But Emori went the other way. She tried to show Nelson love through peace or attention through peace. She wanted to help him in this way. Unfortunately, Nelson's father is so far gone. And to me, the tough part was trying to wrap my head around why he so quickly turns that gun on Emori.

How did you approach that entire scene of meeting your dad and then that escalation and Nelson’s on the other side almost immediately?

Probably two of the toughest scenes that I've worked on that show were both in that episode: the one with Emori and Nikki, and then the one where Nelson meets his parents. There’s so much going on within that character.

It was great to have Lindsey there. She was so great directing that episode. And also Luisa being there because we could talk things out.

Emori and Nelson Come Together - The 100 Season 7 Episode 7

There’s that element of “I'm not quite sure. How do we approach this? What do you want to see here?” So was there was a lot of tweaking the dials a little bit in the sense of “We need Nelson to come up more powerful here. Okay. Now that's a little bit too powerful. Can we see some more compassion or a little bit more brokenness? No, that's a little bit too far.”

It was so precise. We did a lot of takes. I don't think anything was wrong and in the take that we had, but I think we all knew that there was more we could do with this. There’s a perfect middle ground. So it was finding that balance.

To me, when he sees his Mom, he reverts to being a child, wanting the love and attention from the people that are supposed to love you most.

The actress who played his Mom was unbelievable. She had tears in her eyes, and it was so easy to feed off of her, too, and having Luisa there was so easy to feed off of. It was about giving into being loved, meeting his parents, and then having hope. That spark of hope after he hugs his Mom.

Nelson and his Mom - The 100 Season 7 Episode 7

He sees his Dad, and his Dad takes that step forward a little bit, and then Nelson takes that step forward. And then having that sudden jarring shove back and being called, I forget the word that he used, but like freaks. We were all freaks and abominations, and then to choke Nelson out of nowhere?

I know a lot of people got upset at that. Like why did Nelson kill his father?

He was gonna die. There’s clearly that shock in his face when he does it and as he watches his father drop. But then I think he snaps. There’s that moment of snapping because he finally did give over to what Emori wanted.

And it was another example of like “See what happens? Nobody cares about us. Nobody gives a crap. Why am I trying to do this the right way when the right way never works?”

I think for a split moment, he thought, “Okay, fine. If we've tried to do it the right way so many times, and it doesn't work, and nobody respects us anyways, then how far can I take this then? Why not go the other way with it? And I'll start with Emori because she gave me that false light.”

She gave Nelson that false hope, that false light. I don’t know that Nelson would have pulled the trigger. I think Nelson's only ever capable of killing if he has to. But I think he wanted Emori to feel scared and to send her a message to leave him alone and never to try helping him again.

Even when we shot when Nikki was on the microphone during the hostage situation and threatening that people were going to die every hour, there was a snippet that we shot of Nelson looking at Nikki in this way of expressing that he wasn't in on that part of the plan, which I think it was good.

We cut that part out because I don't think the audience needed to be spoonfed that because I think there's a bigger payoff down the line when he does step up first people.

When Nikki gives up, we see Nelson give up his gun quite easily. He doesn't put up a fight. That seemed like a good example that he was done and wasn't going to fight for that.

That was because we didn't quite know where he was going. When Sheidheda walks in to meet the true believers and tell them he's not Russell, to me, there was a bigger plan that I don't know if Nelson was a hundred percent in on.

Coming from that chess scene with Sheidheda, he talks about his plan.

First, you make friends with the murderers and the thieves, and then you take out the queen. I think Nelson thought that this was just part of the plan. So he just had to make friends with “the murderers and the thieves,” and Sheidheda walks in, Nelson doesn't need to play into this anymore.

Nelson and Sheidheda Together - The 100 Season 7 Episode 5

To me, it played as “Sheidheda is here. He's ultimately got the plan.” To me, it was the idea of the murders and the thieves being the Eligius prisoners who were just a pawn to him. And Nelson was something more.

It also felt like he was also playing Nelson, so that is interesting. Maybe he had a bigger plan down the line for him.

I think he was playing Nelson. I think ultimately he's playing everybody. But I think Nelson, himself, wasn't in a place to see that quite yet.

So, Nelson thought, “Maybe, I’m part of this plan, but I'm going to be used more than the prisoners and the thieves. The Eligius prisoners are just going to be the pawns, and he's going to use them in any way he sees fit. Maybe this opens up an avenue for me to work with him to get what we can get for the Children of Gabriel and get him what he wants. Maybe if he takes over, he'll give us a place.”

Sheidheda Offers Nelson a Hand - The 100 Season 7 Episode 5

I think when Indra comes in and tells us to put our guns down, there's no reason for Nelson to fight because he knows that Sheidheda is three steps ahead or whatnot.

Because where did the conversation go after we cutaway? In the chess scene -- how much more conversation happened? He talks about taking out the Queen, and then the scene cuts the Clarke and the other group.

So, part of me wondered what did they say? But also as an actor on a show like The 100, you don't know which way you're going to go, so you can't make one hundred percent definitive decisions. You have to be open. You can’t say, “I thought that Sheidheda told Nelson everything.” So you can't do that.

But it was interesting to talk to JR about that. Like I'm sure that Sheidheda would give him the plan, but how much does he feed him? How much does he feed Nelson to get his interest even more?

Sheidheda Gtes Honest - The 100 Season 7 Episode 7

I think under the right circumstances, he could have started to serve Sheidheda. But, I think that once Nelson and the Children of Gabriel got taken away and Sheidheda kills all of those believers, word has to come back to Nelson and the Children of Gabriel that that's happened.

At that moment, unseen to the audience, he realizes, “Here’s another false God who's killing people.” He's massacring people which the Children of Gabriel or at least Nelson never want. It's never been part of who he is.

The writers posted the script for Nelson's death scene. In that script, Nelson actually screams his last line, which was “Death is life,” but in the final cut, he says it, and then has his battle cry. What was the approach to and the decision making behind that change?

I got that script, and I was playing around with how it felt.  For “death is life” to be the last thing to say means something, right? It means something to the Children of Gabriel. To me, it meant that the fact that you can die means you can truly live. The knowledge of death makes you want to truly live.

Nelson's Final Moments - The 100 Season 7 Episode 12

It was looking at a false God or looking at someone like Russell or Sheidheda.

The fact that they want to be immortal takes away the element of being able to truly love or truly take in your environment and smell the roses or feel the sun on your face. Life is precious, and I don't think you can call it life unless you know it’s precious, and there’s the other side of it.

So I rehearsed it with myself when I first got the script, memorizing and trying to figure out what was going on there. I reached out to Jason, and I asked him what he was looking for there. He explained it to me, and I asked him, “What are your thoughts if I say it in that moment of truly making the decision?” He liked that and wanted there to be some sort of battle cry.

It’s tough to find a lot of those moments within TV, especially at the pace of something like The 100, which is a lot of TV. You get the script not that much ahead of time. There’s not much opportunity to truly talk it out with a director beforehand because it’s pretty fast-paced. You've got to go, go, go, go, go.

Nelson's Talk With Sheidheda - The 100 Season 7 Episode 12

I think it was a truly important moment. So, Jason gave me the thumbs up. He told me to let the director and let BA (Blythe-Anne Johnson) know that we chatted it out. I talked to BA about it, and she said yes.

Everybody was so on board with it. But if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. I’ll do the scream, and I'll do the yell, and we'll get it. It'll be great.

But as soon as I did it in rehearsal, all of us knew that that's how it should be. I think within the writing, it was more of what they were going for and what they wanted it to feel like -- Nelson to go down fighting.

I think we were able to get all of that in the sense of the tears and just saying it because I think he wanted just to say it to Sheidheda. It was about Nelson truly talking to Sheidheda in that moment. I'm not putting on a show. I'm not doing anything. I want you to understand that you'll never be able to live because you want immortality. You are not looking at the beauty in life.

Gabriel vs. Russell  - The 100 Season 6 Episode 12

And then, I think that's Nelson's moment of knowing he's going to die and truly giving over to it and accepting it. Letting out that yell was justice. Everything -- all the pain, all the betrayal, all the humiliation, and everything he's fought for, it let out in that yell.

That final scene was very chilling, and it had such an impact. Going into it, what did you want fans to take away from that scene and Nelson's final choice?

For me, as an actor, there’s a balance. It's so collaborative. You're just a puzzle piece in this larger story with the writers and the crew and wardrobe and everything. You’re just a puzzle piece. So if you come in with something super firm about what you want to do, it doesn't end up going so well.

I think ultimately, in discussion with Jason, BA, and Amanda, and knowing Nelson, I wanted the audience to see a human being that tried to do the best he could. I think ultimately with Nelson, all I wanted was for people to see that he did the best he could and that he just wanted a place for his people.

Nelson's Meaning - The 100 Season 7 Episode 12

What we didn't get to play so much was that I think when Nelson said he's not going to kneel, he's not speaking for the Children of Gabriel. I think he would understand if all of them decided to kneel. And they're given that option.

I think it's one of the few times that the Nelson speaks with I’s and me’s rather than we and us. To him, he had to show that this was wrong. Nelson has to show that, no matter what the cost, this is just another false God, and he is potentially worse than what they were dealing with before.

I think it was to stick up for what's right and to stick up for what you believe in.

Especially right now. It’s so weird that the season was released when it got released. The story is what it is, especially with everything that's going on in the world with Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ lives matter, and all this crazy stuff.

Nelson Manipulated  - The 100 Season 6 Episode 13

It’s saying no to the fact because you're different, you don't have a place here, and so many people are rising up against that. I think that's what happens with the Children that Gabriel and they said, “No, we've had it. Enough is enough. Enough is enough is enough. We're not going to sit idly by, and I'm not going to serve the Devil.”

It’s tragic. It sucks that it had to happen the way it did for them. I think, in a sense, it had to happen that way for it to resonate with people.

I was so over the moon with what people's response to Nelson and the Children of Gabriel's death because I think that was the moment where everybody was said, “Oh man, I liked them.”

Not to say I don't mind being disliked as a character because I think they're fun, too. But within Nelson, I loved the fact that people went back and forth with: I hate this character. Oh, I kind of like this character. I don't know how I feel about this character.

Now I think just that final message of you got to be willing, whether it's pursuing your dreams or fighting for what's right. Whatever you're passionate about, I think just going for it and not letting people tell you that you can't do it, or that you don't belong, or you're less than for being different.

For me, that was always the Children of Gabriel. It was people that were the outcasts, like our lives here. People are cast out because of gender norms, their sexuality, skin color, or religious or spiritual beliefs. It seems like people find a reason to hate.

To me, the Children of Gabrie were a result of that. They were the outcasts, and finally, in their moment of rising up, they found their place by setting an example.

What was your favorite memory of The 100?

I think it was ultimately getting on the show with Rick (Richard Harmon).  I've been on Murphy's journey forever because Rick and I have worked on that character forever. I’ve run lines with him since season one. I took him to his first wardrobe fitting. I took him to the table-read for the pilot.

The 100’s been part of my life forever. So, to finally get on there, be with friends, and tell this amazing story of Nelson and the Children of Gabriel, it's hard to pick just one venue.

Was there anyone you wish you shared more scenes with, either as yourself or who you wish Nelson showed more scenes with?

Definitely, Gabriel. Like I was saying earlier, it would have been nice to see Chuku again and, and get that Gabriel scene and ultimately a good Indra/Nelson scene, like a discussion. Like something in-depth, or this eye contact moment where she realizes that he's not going bend the knee.

What did you learn from your time on The 100?

I think for me, technically, as an actor, every project I go on, I try to learn more about time management and everything because it can get pretty exhausting. So, figuring out when to rest, when not to rest.

I think for me it's tough because I take things so seriously when I first come on a show that I forget to smell the flowers a little bit.

I think The 100 was one of the first projects in the thirteen years that I've worked that I came on that set and obviously worked hard, but also had those moments of enjoying it -- taking in the fact that you're working, it's this awesome set, you get to tell this amazing story, and you're working with some friends and great people.

So taking that in and learning to enjoy those moments. The 100 was the first time that I was able to really do that.

It was a big surprise when you showed up at Unity Days this year. At that time, the fans didn't know much about Nelson, but the fans recognized you at the convention. What was it like to interact with The 100 fans?

I love interacting with fans. The 100 fans are so loyal and passionate, and the show means so much to them. It’s always great to speak to fans, especially when you're involved in something that means so much to them.

I had so many great conversations with them about their challenges in life, my challenges in life, and how The 100 has helped them through whatever personal trauma or whatever they're working through.

And the fact that they're willing to share that with me and I could share with them? I love all that stuff.

I'm a big fan of stuff myself. I like to think of myself. I identify more with the fans than other people. I've always been that way. I love taking that time out, taking pictures, engaging, having discussions, and learning about everybody as much as possible.

For me, it makes me feel like the work that we do is important. A lot of times, we get told that we're not doctors, and we're not saving lives. But in a sense, these shows do save people at times.

And to know that you're part of something like that and that we can help people check out for a bit of whatever tough stuff they're going through, help them work through something, or help them come to a realization of, “Oh, you know, I feel this way or that way, and I need to kind of get help,” is amazing. 


For any The 100 fans looking for some nostalgia as the series concludes, TV Fanatic has a surprise interview series for you! "Looking Back On The 100" centers on monumental cast members and characters from the show that left their mark.

We spoke with Eli Goree about his time on the show, as well as Michael Beach about the journey he had, and we even took a walk down memory lane with Christopher Larkin and Aaron Ginsburg. We even checked in with Zach McGowan about that surprise return to the show.

We also spoke with Leah Gibson about #GinaWasReal and Nadia Hilker about creating the character of Luna.

Chai Hansen also looked back at the show with us when it came to his time on it as Ilian. And Charmaine DeGraté expanded on her writing journey with the show, as well as what it was like to write for Bellamy and Octavia Blake. 

Eve Harlow spoke with us as well about Maya's pure presence on the show and about Maya's relationship with Jasper. Ivana Milicevic reflected on the message that Diyoza left behind after her exit. 

Keep checking TV Fanatic for more upcoming interviews with surprise cast members from seasons past. 

The 100 airs on Wednesdays at 8/7c on The CW.

Share all your thoughts with us in the comments section! Stick around TV Fanatic for more features, slideshows, episode previews, interviews, and reviews of the upcoming season, and watch The 100 online if you need to catch up on the adventure.

Yana Grebenyuk was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in April 2021.

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The 100 Quotes

Miller: What does it mean?
Bellamy: It means Clarke's alive. And we're gonna get her back.

Bryan: Are we ever gonna be done fighting?
Miller: Hell yes. We're gonna build a house on a lake. We're gonna plant corn. And raise chickens. And grow old.