Blair Daimler (she would later take on her mother's last name, Cramer) came to Llanview in 1991. Her mom, Addie, is a mentally challenged woman who was raped by an attendant in the mental institution in which she resided. Addie's sister, Dorian Lord, believed her sister was dead and had no idea she was in a mental hospital, let alone pregnant. After her birth, Blair was shuttled between various foster homes, but once she turned eighteen, she had her mother released into her care...

Children: Starr Manning (with Todd Manning), Jack Manning (with Todd Manning)
Mother: Addie Cramer)
Grandmother: Sonya Cramer (deceased))
Grandfather: Lou Cramer (deceased))
Aunts: Dorian Lord, Melinda Cramer )
Cousins: Kelly Cramer, Paul Cramer (deceased), Cassie Carpenter, Adriana Cramer )
Significant Romantic Relationships: Cord Roberts, Asa Buchanan (1st husband/divorced), Todd Manning (2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th husband/annulled), Max Holden (4th husband/divorced), Patrick Thornhart, Sam Rappaport, Spencer Truman)

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One Life To Live Quotes

Antonio: What would you call that, Jessica?
Jessica: Doing what I have to do. Mitch has hurt my family in every way possible and I want to make sure that not only does he pay, that he never hurts my family again.
Antonio: Oh yeah? Well, not tonight you're not.

Natalie: Everything's going to be fine, guys. Just - just do what he says.
Flash: How can you be so calm?
Natalie: I don't know if I am calm, okay? I just - I've been through worse.
Flash: Yeah? Like what?
Natalie: Oh, like being strapped to a table and your grandfather ready to cut your heart out.
Flash: Oh. Yeah, you got me beat, then. Never mind